C_sig_ucontext | |
C_WDIR | |
C_wdirent | |
►CAbortListener | A workaround class for allowing calling the client |
CBackgroundWorkerWithWaitDialog | |
►CAncillaryData | |
CMapObjectsController::WidgetAncillaryData | |
Cdisplace::AppSettings | |
Cdisplace::workers::ShortestPathBuilderWorker::arg | |
Cutils::array_wrapper_n< T > | |
CAStarShortestPathFinder | |
CAverageProfiler | |
CBenthos | |
CBenthosStats | |
Cdisplace::formats::legacy::BinaryGraphFileReader | |
Cdisplace::formats::legacy::BinaryGraphFileWriter< Key, Value > | |
Cutils::bucket_print_wrapper< T > | |
CCachedDataStorage< Data > | |
CQCPAxisPainterPrivate::CachedLabel | |
CCalendar | |
►CCommand | An abstract class that implements an interface for commands that can be undone and redone |
CSetNodeValueCommand | |
CSetTreeTypeCommand | |
CConfig | |
Cdisplace::formats::legacy::ConfigFileReader | |
CCrashHandler | |
CCsvExporter | |
CCsvImporter | |
Cutils::custom_delims< Delims > | |
►Cutils::custom_delims_base | |
Cutils::custom_delims_wrapper< T, Delims > | |
CPathShop::Data | |
Cdtree::DecisionTreeManager | A class that implements a Singleton for managing the Decision Trees for vessels |
►Cdefault_bfs_visitor | |
CBFVisitor | |
Cutils::delimiters< T, TChar > | |
Cutils::delimiters< ::std::multiset< T, TComp, TAllocator >, char > | |
Cutils::delimiters< ::std::multiset< T, TComp, TAllocator >, wchar_t > | |
Cutils::delimiters< ::std::pair< T1, T2 >, wchar_t > | |
Cutils::delimiters< ::std::set< T, TComp, TAllocator >, char > | |
Cutils::delimiters< ::std::set< T, TComp, TAllocator >, wchar_t > | |
Cutils::delimiters< ::std::tuple< Args... >, wchar_t > | |
Cutils::delimiters< ::std::unordered_multiset< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, char > | |
Cutils::delimiters< ::std::unordered_multiset< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, wchar_t > | |
Cutils::delimiters< ::std::unordered_set< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, char > | |
Cutils::delimiters< ::std::unordered_set< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, wchar_t > | |
Cutils::delimiters< std::pair< T1, T2 >, char > | |
Cutils::delimiters< std::tuple< Args... >, char > | |
Cutils::delimiters< T, char > | |
Cutils::delimiters< T, wchar_t > | |
Cutils::delimiters_values< TChar > | |
Cutils::delimiters_values< char > | |
Cutils::delimiters_values< wchar_t > | |
CDIR | |
Cdirent | |
CDtCsvReader | |
CDtCsvWriter | |
CNodeData::Edge | |
Cedge | |
►CEditorLayerInterface | |
CMapObjectsController | |
►Cenable_shared_from_this | |
Cdtree::DecisionTree | |
CNodeData | Extension class for Node |
Cdisplace::R::Env | |
Ctypes::EnvironmentData | |
CEnvironmentDataRecord | |
►Cexception | |
CPathShop::NodeNotFoundException | |
CExternalStateManager | A monostate/singleton class to manage External States variables |
►Cfalse_type | |
Cutils::is_container< char[N]> | |
Cdeprecated::GraphBuilder::Feedback | |
►CGraphBuilder::Feedback | |
CGraphBuilderWorker | |
CFileFormatHelper | |
CFirm | |
CFirmData | |
CFirmStats | |
CFishfarm | |
CFishfarmData | |
CFishFarmsDefTable | |
CFishfarmsStats | |
CFishfarmStats | |
Cfts5_api | |
Cfts5_tokenizer | |
CFts5ExtensionApi | |
CFts5PhraseIter | |
CGeoGraph | |
►Cdisplace::graphbuilders::GeographicGridBuilder | An abstract class to build a grid of points on a map, based on certain parameters |
Cdisplace::graphbuilders::SimpleGeodesicLineGraphBuilder | Implements a Simple Geodesic Grid |
Cdisplace::graphbuilders::SimplePlanarGraphBuilder | |
CGeoGraphLoader | |
►CGeometryLineString | |
CEdgeGraphics | |
CShipLanesGraphics | |
►CGeometryPointImageScaled | |
CHarbourGraphics | |
►CGeometryPointShapeScaled | |
CFirmGraphics | |
CFishfarmGraphics | |
►CNodeGraphics | |
CNodeWithBathymetryGraphics | |
CNodeWithCumCatchesGraphics | |
CNodeWithCumCatchesWithThresholdGraphics | |
CNodeWithCumDiscardsGraphics | |
CNodeWithCumDiscardsRatioGraphics | |
CNodeWithCumFTimeGraphics | |
CNodeWithCumSubsurfaceSweptAreaGraphics | |
CNodeWithCumSweptAreaGraphics | |
CNodeWithDissolvedCarbonGraphics | |
CNodeWithNbChokedGraphics | |
CNodeWithNitrogenGraphics | |
CNodeWithOxygenGraphics | |
CNodeWithPhosphorusGraphics | |
CNodeWithPopStatsGraphics | |
CNodeWithSalinityGraphics | |
CNodeWithShippingdensityGraphics | |
CNodeWithSiltfractionGraphics | |
CNodeWithSSTGraphics | |
CNodeWithTariffs0Graphics | |
CNodeWithTariffs1Graphics | |
CNodeWithTariffs2Graphics | |
CNodeWithWindGraphics | |
CWindmillGraphics | |
Cdeprecated::GraphBuilder | |
CGraphBuilder | |
CGraphProperties | |
Cgui_currstep | |
Cgui_movevessel | |
Cgui_msgtype | Message type, defines how should be interpreted the next data block |
CHarbourData | |
CHarbourStats | |
Cstd::hash< types::NodeId > | |
CHistoricalDataCollector< T > | |
CHistoricalDataCollector< BenthosStats > | |
CHistoricalDataCollector< FishfarmsStats > | |
CHistoricalDataCollector< ShipsStats > | |
Ctypes::Id< C, Type > | |
►Ctypes::Id< uint16_t, NodeTag > | |
Ctypes::NodeId | |
CVesselVmsLikeFPingsOnlyTable::Impl | |
CVesselVmsLikeTable::Impl | |
CWindfarmsTable::Impl | |
CMapsDataProvider::Impl | |
CFishfarmsTable::Impl | |
CShortestPathBuilder::Impl | |
CSQLiteOutputStorage::Impl | |
CFishFarmsDefTable::Impl | |
CFuncGroupsTable::Impl | |
CMetadataTable::Impl | |
CAStarShortestPath::Impl | |
CNodesDefTable::Impl | |
CDijkstraShortestPath::Impl | |
CNodesEnvtTable::Impl | |
CNodesStatTable::Impl | |
CDbHelper::Impl | |
CNodesTariffStatTable::Impl | |
CPopDynTable::Impl | |
CPopQuotasTable::Impl | |
CPopTable::Impl | |
CShipsTable::Impl | |
CVesselDefTable::Impl | |
CVesselsLoglikeCatchesTable::Impl | |
CVesselsLoglikeTable::Impl | |
CInputFileExporter | |
CInputFileParser | |
Cinputfiles_windmillsspe | |
Cutils::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< std::tuple< Args... > >::Int< I > | |
►Cintegral_constant | |
Cutils::is_container< T > | |
►CInterestingList< T > | |
CInterestingListWithSpecialValues< T > | |
CInterestingList< int > | |
CIpcQueue | Implements a CircularBuffer to be used in a boost::interprocess::managed_heap_memory |
CIsolatedSubgraphChecker | |
Cdisplace::formats::helpers::KeyValueReader | |
CMapObjectsController::LayerList | |
Cdisplace::formats::helpers::LineNumberReader | |
CGraphBuilderInternal::LinkData | |
CGeoGraph::location | |
CVesselVmsLikeFPingsOnlyTable::Log | |
CVesselVmsLikeTable::Log | |
CVesselsLoglikeTable::Log | |
►CMapControlGraphicsModel | |
CLineStringMapModel | |
CSinglePointMapModel | |
►CMapObject | |
CEdgeMapObject | |
CFirmMapObject | |
CFishfarmMapObject | |
CHarbourMapObject | |
CNodeMapObject | |
CShipMapObject | |
CVesselMapObject | |
CWindmillMapObject | |
CMapObjectContainer< Obj, Idx > | A generic Container class form Map Objects |
CMapObjectContainer< EdgeMapObject, int > | |
CMapObjectContainer< FishfarmMapObject, int > | |
CMapObjectContainer< HarbourMapObject, types::NodeId > | |
CMapObjectContainer< NodeMapObject, types::NodeId > | |
CMapObjectContainer< ShipMapObject, int > | |
CMapObjectContainer< VesselMapObject, int > | |
CMapObjectContainer< WindmillMapObject, int > | |
CMapsDataProvider | |
CMemoryInfo | |
CMemStats | Memory Statistics Collector |
CMetier | |
CMetierData | |
Cobjecttree::MetiersInterest | |
CMetierStats | |
CModelConfig | |
CModelMetadataAccessor | |
►CMouseModeInterface | |
CMainWindow | |
Cdisplace::ipc::MoveShipMessage | |
Cdisplace::ipc::MoveVesselMessage | |
CMruPathManager | |
Cdisplace::formats::helpers::MultifieldReader | |
Cdisplace::formats::helpers::MultifieldWriter | |
CNationData | |
CNationStats | |
Cdtree::Node | Decision tree node |
►CNode | |
CHarbour | |
Cdeprecated::GraphBuilder::Node | |
CGraphBuilder::Node | |
CNodeBanningInfo | |
►Cdtree::NodeExtra | |
Cdtree::GraphNodeExtra | |
Cdisplace::NodePenalty | |
CNodePrototype | |
Ctypes::NodesBenthosData | |
Cdisplace::formats::legacy::NodesFileReader | |
Ctypes::NodesPopData | |
CNodesStatTable::NodeStat | |
Ctypes::NodeTag | |
CNodesTariffStatTable::NodeTariffStat | |
►Cobjecttree::ObjectTreeEntity | |
Cobjecttree::BenthosEntity | |
Cobjecttree::BFunctionalGroupsEntity | |
Cobjecttree::FFarmTypesEntity | |
Cobjecttree::FirmEntity | |
Cobjecttree::FishfarmEntity | |
Cobjecttree::HarbourEntity | |
►Cobjecttree::LayerEntity | Generic Entity for layer management |
Cobjecttree::ShapefileLayerEntity | |
Cobjecttree::MetiersEntity | |
Cobjecttree::NationEntity | |
Cobjecttree::NodeEntity | |
Cobjecttree::PopulationEntity | |
Cobjecttree::PopulationEntityWithGroup | |
Cobjecttree::ShipEntity | |
Cobjecttree::ShipTypesEntity | |
Cobjecttree::SzGroupEntity | |
Cobjecttree::VesselEntity | |
Cobjecttree::WFarmTypesEntity | |
Cobjecttree::WindmillEntity | |
COption< OPT, N, TYPE > | |
►COption< Options::Closure_Opt, Options::Closure_Opt_last, std::vector< int > > | |
CClosureOptions | |
►COption< Options::Dyn_Alloc, Options::Dyn_Alloc_last, bool > | |
CDynAllocOptions | |
►COption< Options::Pop_Sce, Options::Pop_Sce_last, bool > | |
CPopSceOptions | |
COutputExporter | |
►COutputMessage | Abstract class to serialize outputs through the OutputQueueManager |
CGenericConsoleStringOutputMessage | |
CMoveShipOutputMessage | |
CMoveShipOutputMessage | |
CMoveVesselOutputMessage | |
CMoveVesselOutputMessage | |
CQuitMessage | |
CVesselLogbookOutputMessage | |
CVesselLogbookOutputMessage | |
COutputQueueManager | A manager for the outputs from all the other simulator threads |
Cpair_first_less< T1, T2 > | |
CPalette | |
CPaletteManager | |
CAStarShortestPath::Impl::PathSegment | |
CPathShop | |
CPoint | |
CPopulation | |
CPopulationData | |
Cutils::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters > | |
Cboost::test_tools::print_log_value< displace::commons::Scenario > | |
Cutils::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< U > | |
Cutils::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cutils::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< std::tuple< Args... > > | |
CPathShop::Private | |
CProfiler | |
►CQAbstractItemModel | |
CObjectTreeModel | |
CPaletteModel | |
CSchedulerJobAdapter | |
CSpecialPaletteModel | |
►CQAbstractListModel | |
CMapShapefileListAdapter | |
►CQAbstractTableModel | |
CCsvTableModel | |
CMergePopulationPluginComponent::TableModel | |
►CQCPAbstractPaintBuffer | The abstract base class for paint buffers, which define the rendering backend |
CQCPPaintBufferPixmap | A paint buffer based on QPixmap, using software raster rendering |
CQCPAxisPainterPrivate | |
►CQCPAxisTicker | The base class tick generator used by QCPAxis to create tick positions and tick labels |
CQCPAxisTickerDateTime | Specialized axis ticker for calendar dates and times as axis ticks |
CQCPAxisTickerFixed | Specialized axis ticker with a fixed tick step |
CQCPAxisTickerLog | Specialized axis ticker suited for logarithmic axes |
CQCPAxisTickerPi | Specialized axis ticker to display ticks in units of an arbitrary constant, for example pi |
CQCPAxisTickerText | Specialized axis ticker which allows arbitrary labels at specified coordinates |
CQCPAxisTickerTime | Specialized axis ticker for time spans in units of milliseconds to days |
CQCPBarsData | Holds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars |
CQCPColorGradient | Defines a color gradient for use with e.g. QCPColorMap |
CQCPColorMapData | Holds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable |
CQCPCurveData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPCurve |
CQCPDataContainer< DataType > | The generic data container for one-dimensional plottables |
CQCPDataRange | Describes a data range given by begin and end index |
CQCPDataSelection | Describes a data set by holding multiple QCPDataRange instances |
CQCPErrorBarsData | Holds the data of one single error bar for QCPErrorBars |
CQCPFinancialData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPFinancial |
CQCPGraphData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPGraph |
►CQCPItemAnchor | An anchor of an item to which positions can be attached to |
CQCPItemPosition | Manages the position of an item |
CQCPLineEnding | Handles the different ending decorations for line-like items |
►CQCPPlottableInterface1D | Defines an abstract interface for one-dimensional plottables |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< DataType > | A template base class for plottables with one-dimensional data |
►CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPBarsData > | |
CQCPBars | A plottable representing a bar chart in a plot |
►CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPCurveData > | |
CQCPCurve | A plottable representing a parametric curve in a plot |
►CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPFinancialData > | |
CQCPFinancial | A plottable representing a financial stock chart |
►CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPGraphData > | |
CQCPGraph | A plottable representing a graph in a plot |
►CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPStatisticalBoxData > | |
CQCPStatisticalBox | A plottable representing a single statistical box in a plot |
CQCPErrorBars | A plottable that adds a set of error bars to other plottables |
CQCPRange | Represents the range an axis is encompassing |
CQCPScatterStyle | Represents the visual appearance of scatter points |
►CQCPSelectionDecorator | Controls how a plottable's data selection is drawn |
CQCPSelectionDecoratorBracket | A selection decorator which draws brackets around each selected data segment |
CQCPStatisticalBoxData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPStatisticalBox |
CQCPVector2D | Represents two doubles as a mathematical 2D vector |
►CQDialog | |
CAboutDialog | |
CBatchCreateDialog | |
CConfigDialog | |
CCreateGraphDialog | |
CCreateShortestPathDialog | |
CEditPaletteDialog | |
CGraphExportProperties | |
CLinkHarboursDialog | |
►CMergeDataDialog | Implements the functionalities for mergedatadialog.ui |
CMergePopulationDataDialog | Implements the UI to merge the population data |
CNodeMappingsDialog | |
CPathPenaltyDialog | |
CRunDialog | |
CSaveGraphDialog | |
CScenarioDialog | |
CShapefileOperationDialog | |
CSimulationSetupDialog | |
CWaitDialog | |
►CQException | |
CCsvExporter::Exception | |
CCsvImporter::Exception | |
Cdisplace::DisplaceException | |
►CQGraphicsItemGroup | |
CGraphNodeItem | |
►CQGraphicsRectItem | |
CGraphNodeChildBoxItem | |
►CQGraphicsScene | |
CDtGraphicsScene | |
►CQMainWindow | |
CCsvEditor | |
CDtEditorWindow | |
CMainWindow | |
CMainWindow | |
CRConsole | |
CTsEditorWindow | |
CVesselEditorMainWindow | |
►CQObject | |
►CBackgroundWorker | |
CBackgroundWorkerWithWaitDialog | |
CGraphBuilderWorker | |
CLoader | |
CDbHelper | |
Cdisplace::workers::DataMerger | |
Cdisplace::workers::ShortestPathBuilderWorker | |
CDisplaceModel | |
CEdgeLayer | |
CEdgeMapObject | |
CFirmMapObject | |
CFishfarmMapObject | |
CGraphInteractionController | |
CHarbourMapObject | |
CMapObjectsController | |
►CMouseMode | The MouseMode class |
CDrawPenaltyPolygon | |
CEdgeAddMouseMode | |
CMoveFilteringMouseModeDecorator | |
CSingleClickMouseMode | Implements a mouse mode that completes once a point on the map is clicked, by emitting the modeCompleted(QPointF) signal. The class can be decorated using the MoveVilteringMouseModeDecorator |
CNodeMapObject | |
Cobjecttree::LayerEntity | Generic Entity for layer management |
Cobjecttree::MetiersEntity | |
Cobjecttree::NodeEntity | |
COutputFileParser | |
CQCPBarsGroup | Groups multiple QCPBars together so they appear side by side |
CQCPLayer | A layer that may contain objects, to control the rendering order |
►CQCPLayerable | Base class for all drawable objects |
►CQCPAbstractItem | The abstract base class for all items in a plot |
CQCPItemBracket | A bracket for referencing/highlighting certain parts in the plot |
CQCPItemCurve | A curved line from one point to another |
CQCPItemEllipse | An ellipse |
CQCPItemLine | A line from one point to another |
CQCPItemPixmap | An arbitrary pixmap |
CQCPItemRect | A rectangle |
CQCPItemStraightLine | A straight line that spans infinitely in both directions |
CQCPItemText | A text label |
CQCPItemTracer | Item that sticks to QCPGraph data points |
►CQCPAbstractPlottable | The abstract base class for all data representing objects in a plot |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< DataType > | A template base class for plottables with one-dimensional data |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPBarsData > | |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPCurveData > | |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPFinancialData > | |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPGraphData > | |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPStatisticalBoxData > | |
CQCPColorMap | A plottable representing a two-dimensional color map in a plot |
CQCPErrorBars | A plottable that adds a set of error bars to other plottables |
CQCPAxis | Manages a single axis inside a QCustomPlot |
CQCPGrid | Responsible for drawing the grid of a QCPAxis |
►CQCPLayoutElement | The abstract base class for all objects that form the layout system |
►CQCPAbstractLegendItem | The abstract base class for all entries in a QCPLegend |
CQCPPlottableLegendItem | A legend item representing a plottable with an icon and the plottable name |
►CQCPAxisRect | Holds multiple axes and arranges them in a rectangular shape |
CQCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate | |
CQCPColorScale | A color scale for use with color coding data such as QCPColorMap |
►CQCPLayout | The abstract base class for layouts |
►CQCPLayoutGrid | A layout that arranges child elements in a grid |
CQCPLegend | Manages a legend inside a QCustomPlot |
CQCPLayoutInset | A layout that places child elements aligned to the border or arbitrarily positioned |
CQCPTextElement | A layout element displaying a text |
CQCPSelectionRect | Provides rect/rubber-band data selection and range zoom interaction |
CQCPMarginGroup | A margin group allows synchronization of margin sides if working with multiple layout elements |
CShipMapObject | |
CSimulator | An ongoing simulation process |
CSimulatorIpcManager | |
CStatsController | |
CVesselMapObject | |
CWindmillMapObject | |
►CQObjectUserData | |
CMapObjectsController::WidgetUserData | |
►CQPainter | |
CQCPPainter | QPainter subclass used internally |
CQSignalBlocker | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_AboutDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_BackgroundWorker_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_BackgroundWorkerWithWaitDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_BatchCreateDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_ConfigDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_CreateGraphDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_CreateShortestPathDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_CsvEditor_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_CsvSpecsPage_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_CsvTableModel_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_DbHelper_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_displace__workers__DataMerger_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_displace__workers__ShortestPathBuilderWorker_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_DisplaceModel_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_DtEditorWindow_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_DtGraphicsScene_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_EdgeAddMouseMode_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_EdgeLayer_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_EdgeMapObject_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_EditPaletteDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_FirmMapObject_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_FishfarmMapObject_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_GraphExportProperties_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_GraphInteractionController_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_HarbourMapObject_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_LinkHarboursDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_MainWindow_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_MapObjectsController_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_MergeDataDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_MergePopulationDataDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_MergePopulationPluginComponent_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_MouseMode_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_NodeDetailsWidget_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_NodeMapObject_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_NodeMappingsDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_objecttree__LayerEntity_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_objecttree__MetiersEntity_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_objecttree__NodeEntity_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_objecttree__ShapefileLayerEntity_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_ObjectTreeModel_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_OutputFileParser_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_PathPenaltyDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPAbstractItem_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPAbstractLegendItem_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPAbstractPlottable_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPAxis_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPAxisRect_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPBars_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPColorGradient_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPColorMap_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPColorScale_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPColorScaleAxisRectPrivate_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPCurve_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPGraph_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPGrid_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPItemBracket_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPItemCurve_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPItemEllipse_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPItemLine_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPItemPixmap_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPItemRect_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPItemStraightLine_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPItemText_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPItemTracer_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPLayer_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPLayerable_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPLayout_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPLayoutElement_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPLayoutGrid_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPLayoutInset_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPLegend_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPLineEnding_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPMarginGroup_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPPainter_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPPlottableLegendItem_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPPlotTitle_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPScatterStyle_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCPStatisticalBox_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_QCustomPlot_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_RConsole_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_RunDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_RunScriptsPage_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_SaveGraphDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_ScenarioDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_SchedulerJobAdapter_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_ShapefileOperationDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_ShipMapObject_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_SimulationSetupDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_Simulator_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_SimulatorIpcManager_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_SingleClickMouseMode_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_StatsController_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_TsEditorWindow_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_VesselEditorMainWindow_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_VesselMapObject_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_VesselPositionInserter_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_WaitDialog_t | |
Cqt_meta_stringdata_WindmillMapObject_t | |
►CQWidget | |
CCsvSpecsPage | |
CMergePopulationPluginComponent | "pluggable" Widget to extends the MergeDataDialog This class extends the functionalities of MergeDataDialog, it is created and hosted in the main UI component |
CNodeDetailsWidget | |
►CQCustomPlot | The central class of the library. This is the QWidget which displays the plot and interacts with the user |
CPlotWidget | |
CRunScriptsPage | |
CCachedDataStorage< Data >::Record | |
►Cruntime_error | |
Cdisplace::formats::FormatException | |
►CDisplaceException | |
CUnimplementedException | |
CScenario | |
Cdisplace::commons::Scenario | |
CSchedulerJob | |
CSchedulerScriptGenerator | |
Cdisplace::R::Settings::Scripts | |
Cdisplace::vesselsEditor::Settings | |
Cdisplace::R::Settings | |
►Cutils::detail::sfinae_base | |
Cutils::detail::has_begin_end< T > | |
Cutils::detail::has_const_iterator< T > | |
CShip | |
CShipData | |
CShipsStats | |
CShipStats | |
►CShortestPathAlgorithm | |
CAStarShortestPath | |
CDijkstraShortestPath | |
CShortestPathBuilder | |
Cdisplace::simulation::Simulation | Class to manage the simulation scenario |
CSimulationRun | |
Csorter | |
CsplitX | |
Csqlite3_file | |
Csqlite3_index_info::sqlite3_index_constraint | |
Csqlite3_index_info::sqlite3_index_constraint_usage | |
Csqlite3_index_info | |
Csqlite3_index_info::sqlite3_index_orderby | |
Csqlite3_io_methods | |
Csqlite3_mem_methods | |
Csqlite3_module | |
Csqlite3_mutex_methods | |
Csqlite3_pcache_methods | |
Csqlite3_pcache_methods2 | |
Csqlite3_pcache_page | |
Csqlite3_rtree_geometry | |
Csqlite3_rtree_query_info | |
Csqlite3_snapshot | |
Csqlite3_vfs | |
Csqlite3_vtab | |
Csqlite3_vtab_cursor | |
CSQLiteOutputStorage | |
►CSQLiteTable | |
CFuncGroupsTable | |
CMetadataTable | |
CNodesDefTable | |
CNodesEnvtTable | |
CNodesStatTable | |
CNodesTariffStatTable | |
CPopQuotasTable | |
CShipsTable | |
CVesselDefTable | |
CVesselsLoglikeCatchesTable | |
CVesselVmsLikeFPingsOnlyTable | |
CVesselVmsLikeTable | |
►CSQLiteTable | |
CFishfarmsTable | |
CPopDynTable | |
CPopTable | |
CVesselsLoglikeTable | |
CWindfarmsTable | |
CFuncGroupsTable::Stat | |
CPopTable::Stat | |
CShipsStats::StatData | |
CWindfarmsTable::StatData | |
CFishfarmsStats::StatData | |
CBenthosStats::StatData | |
CWindfarmsStats::StatData | |
►Cdtree::StateEvaluator | An abstract class to allow internal/External states to be evaluated |
Cdisplace::dtree::TimeSeriesEvaluator< Var > | |
Cdisplace::dtree::TimeSeriesEvaluator< displace::simulation::TimeSeriesManager::Fishprice > | |
Cdtree::ConstStateEvaluator< T > | A templated class that evaluates constant-valued variable |
Cdtree::TwoArgumentsComparatorStateEvaluator< Operator > | A decorator class that evaluates the relation between the values of two other evaluators |
Cdtree::VariableReferenceStateEvaluator< T > | A templated class to evaluate a static variable |
Cdtree::vessels::AverageProfitComparationsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::AverageRevenuesComparationStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::MetierStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselCatchVolumeStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselEndOfTheDayIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselFeelingForCatchingElsewhereStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselFuelTankStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselglobalQuotaLeftOnAvoidedStksHereIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselglobalQuotaLeftOnAvoidedStksIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselglobalQuotaLeftOnAvoidedStksNowIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselHighPotentialCatchStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselindividualQuotaLeftOnAvoidedStksHereIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselindividualQuotaLeftOnAvoidedStksIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselindividualQuotaLeftOnAvoidedStksNowIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselIsInAreaClosureEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselKnowledgeOfThisGroundStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselLowestTariffStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselMonthIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselNbOfDaysAtSeaSoFarIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselNotThatFarStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselRiskOfBycatchAllStksIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselRiskOfBycatchAvoidedStksHereIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselRiskOfBycatchAvoidedStksIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselRiskOfBycatchAvoidedStksNowIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselSeeingOtherVesselFishingElsewhereStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselSizeStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselSmartCatchStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselsuitableBottomTypeIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselTargetEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselTariffThisGroundIsStateEvaluator | |
Cdtree::vessels::VesselTodayIsStateEvaluator | |
►CStatsPlot | |
►CBaseStatsPlotImpl | |
CFishfarmsStatsPlot | |
CShipsStatsPlot | |
CWindfarmsStatsPlot | |
CBenthosStatsPlot | |
CHarboursStatPlot | |
CMetiersStatsPlot | |
CNationsStatsPlot | |
CPopulationsStatPlot | |
CVesselsStatsPlot | |
►Cdisplace::workers::DataMerger::Strategy | |
Cdisplace::workers::MergerStrategy | |
Cdisplace::workers::PopulationDistributionDataMergerStrategy | |
Cutils::StrongType< T, TAG > | A Strong Types POD For some usage of this type, |
Cutils::StrongType< uint16_t, TStepTag > | |
CTac | |
CQCPAxisPainterPrivate::TickLabelData | |
CTimelineData | |
Cdisplace::simulation::TimeSeries | |
Cdisplace::simulation::TimeSeriesManager | |
►Ctrue_type | |
Cutils::is_container< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Cutils::is_container< std::tuple< Args... > > | |
Cutils::is_container< std::valarray< T > > | |
Cutils::is_container< T[N]> | |
Ctypes::TStepTag | |
►CUi_AboutDialog | |
CUi::AboutDialog | |
►CUi_BatchCreateDialog | |
CUi::BatchCreateDialog | |
►CUi_ConfigDialog | |
CUi::ConfigDialog | |
►CUi_CreateGraphDialog | |
CUi::CreateGraphDialog | |
►CUi_CreateShortestPathDialog | |
CUi::CreateShortestPathDialog | |
►CUi_CsvEditor | |
CUi::CsvEditor | |
►CUi_CsvSpecsPage | |
CUi::CsvSpecsPage | |
►CUi_DtEditorWindow | |
CUi::DtEditorWindow | |
►CUi_EditPaletteDialog | |
CUi::EditPaletteDialog | |
►CUi_GraphExportProperties | |
CUi::GraphExportProperties | |
►CUi_LinkHarboursDialog | |
CUi::LinkHarboursDialog | |
►CUi_MainWindow | |
CUi::MainWindow | |
CUi::MainWindow | |
►CUi_MergeDataDialog | |
CUi::MergeDataDialog | |
►CUi_MergePopulationPluginComponent | |
CUi::MergePopulationPluginComponent | |
►CUi_NodeDetailsWidget | |
CUi::NodeDetailsWidget | |
►CUi_NodeMappingsDialog | |
CUi::NodeMappingsDialog | |
►CUi_PathPenaltyDialog | |
CUi::PathPenaltyDialog | |
►CUi_RConsole | |
CUi::RConsole | |
►CUi_RunDialog | |
CUi::RunDialog | |
►CUi_RunScriptsPage | |
CUi::RunScriptsPage | |
►CUi_SaveGraphDialog | |
CUi::SaveGraphDialog | |
►CUi_ScenarioDialog | |
CUi::ScenarioDialog | |
►CUi_ScriptSelectionForm | |
CUi::ScriptSelectionForm | |
►CUi_ShapefileOperationDialog | |
CUi::ShapefileOperationDialog | |
►CUi_SimulationSetupDialog | |
CUi::SimulationSetupDialog | |
►CUi_TsEditorWindow | |
CUi::TsEditorWindow | |
►CUi_VesselEditorMainWindow | |
CUi::VesselEditorMainWindow | |
►CUi_WaitDialog | |
CUi::WaitDialog | |
Cdtree::VariableNames | |
CVessel | |
CVesselCalendar | |
CVesselData | |
Cdisplace::ipc::VesselLogbookMessage | |
CVesselStats | |
CWindfarmsStats | |
CWindmill | |
CWindmillData | |
CWindmillStats | |