A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
NationStats Class Reference

#include <nationdata.h>

Public Member Functions

 NationStats ()

Public Attributes

int numTrips = 0
double mTotCatches = 0.0
double mTotDiscards = 0.0
double mRevenues = 0.0
double mExRevenues = 0.0
double mTimeAtSea = 0.0
double mGav = 0.0
double mVpuf = 0.0
double mSweptArea = 0.0
double mRevenuePerSweptArea = 0.0
double cumVpuf =0.0
double cumRevenuePerSweptArea =0.0
double GVA =0.0
double cumGVAPerRevenue = 0.0
double GVAPerRevenue = 0.0
double LabourSurplus = 0.0
double GrossProfit = 0.0
double NetProfit = 0.0
double NetProfitMargin = 0.0
double RoFTA = 0.0
double GVAPerFTE = 0.0
double BER = 0.0
double CRBER = 0.0
double NetPresentValue = 0.0
double cumNetProfitMargin = 0.0
double cumGVAPerFTE = 0.0
double cumRoFTA = 0.0
double cumBER = 0.0
double cumCRBER = 0.0
QVector< double > szGroups

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NationStats()

NationStats::NationStats ( )

Member Data Documentation


double NationStats::BER = 0.0


double NationStats::CRBER = 0.0

◆ cumBER

double NationStats::cumBER = 0.0

◆ cumCRBER

double NationStats::cumCRBER = 0.0

◆ cumGVAPerFTE

double NationStats::cumGVAPerFTE = 0.0

◆ cumGVAPerRevenue

double NationStats::cumGVAPerRevenue = 0.0

◆ cumNetProfitMargin

double NationStats::cumNetProfitMargin = 0.0

◆ cumRevenuePerSweptArea

double NationStats::cumRevenuePerSweptArea =0.0

◆ cumRoFTA

double NationStats::cumRoFTA = 0.0

◆ cumVpuf

double NationStats::cumVpuf =0.0

◆ GrossProfit

double NationStats::GrossProfit = 0.0


double NationStats::GVA =0.0


double NationStats::GVAPerFTE = 0.0

◆ GVAPerRevenue

double NationStats::GVAPerRevenue = 0.0

◆ LabourSurplus

double NationStats::LabourSurplus = 0.0

◆ mExRevenues

double NationStats::mExRevenues = 0.0

◆ mGav

double NationStats::mGav = 0.0

◆ mRevenuePerSweptArea

double NationStats::mRevenuePerSweptArea = 0.0

◆ mRevenues

double NationStats::mRevenues = 0.0

◆ mSweptArea

double NationStats::mSweptArea = 0.0

◆ mTimeAtSea

double NationStats::mTimeAtSea = 0.0

◆ mTotCatches

double NationStats::mTotCatches = 0.0

◆ mTotDiscards

double NationStats::mTotDiscards = 0.0

◆ mVpuf

double NationStats::mVpuf = 0.0

◆ NetPresentValue

double NationStats::NetPresentValue = 0.0

◆ NetProfit

double NationStats::NetProfit = 0.0

◆ NetProfitMargin

double NationStats::NetProfitMargin = 0.0

◆ numTrips

int NationStats::numTrips = 0


double NationStats::RoFTA = 0.0

◆ szGroups

QVector<double> NationStats::szGroups

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