A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
QCPAxisTickerPi Class Reference

Specialized axis ticker to display ticks in units of an arbitrary constant, for example pi. More...

#include <qcustomplot.h>

Inheritance diagram for QCPAxisTickerPi:

Public Types

enum  FractionStyle { fsFloatingPoint, fsAsciiFractions, fsUnicodeFractions }
- Public Types inherited from QCPAxisTicker
enum  TickStepStrategy { tssReadability, tssMeetTickCount }

Public Member Functions

 QCPAxisTickerPi ()
QString piSymbol () const
double piValue () const
bool periodicity () const
FractionStyle fractionStyle () const
void setPiSymbol (QString symbol)
void setPiValue (double pi)
void setPeriodicity (int multiplesOfPi)
void setFractionStyle (FractionStyle style)
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPAxisTicker
 QCPAxisTicker ()
virtual ~QCPAxisTicker ()
TickStepStrategy tickStepStrategy () const
int tickCount () const
double tickOrigin () const
void setTickStepStrategy (TickStepStrategy strategy)
void setTickCount (int count)
void setTickOrigin (double origin)
virtual void generate (const QCPRange &range, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision, QVector< double > &ticks, QVector< double > *subTicks, QVector< QString > *tickLabels)

Protected Member Functions

virtual double getTickStep (const QCPRange &range) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual int getSubTickCount (double tickStep) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual QString getTickLabel (double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
void simplifyFraction (int &numerator, int &denominator) const
QString fractionToString (int numerator, int denominator) const
QString unicodeFraction (int numerator, int denominator) const
QString unicodeSuperscript (int number) const
QString unicodeSubscript (int number) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPAxisTicker
virtual QVector< double > createTickVector (double tickStep, const QCPRange &range)
virtual QVector< double > createSubTickVector (int subTickCount, const QVector< double > &ticks)
virtual QVector< QString > createLabelVector (const QVector< double > &ticks, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision)
void trimTicks (const QCPRange &range, QVector< double > &ticks, bool keepOneOutlier) const
double pickClosest (double target, const QVector< double > &candidates) const
double getMantissa (double input, double *magnitude=0) const
double cleanMantissa (double input) const

Protected Attributes

QString mPiSymbol
double mPiValue
int mPeriodicity
FractionStyle mFractionStyle
double mPiTickStep
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPAxisTicker
TickStepStrategy mTickStepStrategy
int mTickCount
double mTickOrigin

Detailed Description

Specialized axis ticker to display ticks in units of an arbitrary constant, for example pi.


This QCPAxisTicker subclass generates ticks that are expressed with respect to a given symbolic constant with a numerical value specified with setPiValue and an appearance in the tick labels specified with setPiSymbol.

Ticks may be generated at fractions of the symbolic constant. How these fractions appear in the tick label can be configured with setFractionStyle.

The ticker can be created and assigned to an axis like this:

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ FractionStyle

Defines how fractions should be displayed in tick labels.

See also

Fractions are displayed as regular decimal floating point numbers, e.g. "0.25" or "0.125".


Fractions are written as rationals using ASCII characters only, e.g. "1/4" or "1/8".


Fractions are written using sub- and superscript UTF-8 digits and the fraction symbol.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QCPAxisTickerPi()

QCPAxisTickerPi::QCPAxisTickerPi ( )

Constructs the ticker and sets reasonable default values. Axis tickers are commonly created managed by a QSharedPointer, which then can be passed to QCPAxis::setTicker.

Member Function Documentation

◆ fractionStyle()

FractionStyle QCPAxisTickerPi::fractionStyle ( ) const

◆ fractionToString()

QString QCPAxisTickerPi::fractionToString ( int  numerator,
int  denominator 
) const

◆ getSubTickCount()

int QCPAxisTickerPi::getSubTickCount ( double  tickStep)

Reimplemented from QCPAxisTicker.

◆ getTickLabel()

QString QCPAxisTickerPi::getTickLabel ( double  tick,
const QLocale &  locale,
QChar  formatChar,
int  precision 

Reimplemented from QCPAxisTicker.

◆ getTickStep()

double QCPAxisTickerPi::getTickStep ( const QCPRange range)

Reimplemented from QCPAxisTicker.

◆ periodicity()

bool QCPAxisTickerPi::periodicity ( ) const

◆ piSymbol()

QString QCPAxisTickerPi::piSymbol ( ) const

◆ piValue()

double QCPAxisTickerPi::piValue ( ) const

◆ setFractionStyle()

void QCPAxisTickerPi::setFractionStyle ( QCPAxisTickerPi::FractionStyle  style)

Sets how the numerical/fractional part preceding the symbolic constant is displayed in tick labels. See FractionStyle for the various options.

◆ setPeriodicity()

void QCPAxisTickerPi::setPeriodicity ( int  multiplesOfPi)

Sets whether the axis labels shall appear periodicly and if so, at which multiplicity of the symbolic constant.

To disable periodicity, set multiplesOfPi to zero.

For example, an axis that identifies 0 with 2pi would set multiplesOfPi to two.

◆ setPiSymbol()

void QCPAxisTickerPi::setPiSymbol ( QString  symbol)

Sets how the symbol part (which is always a suffix to the number) shall appear in the axis tick label.

If a space shall appear between the number and the symbol, make sure the space is contained in symbol.

◆ setPiValue()

void QCPAxisTickerPi::setPiValue ( double  pi)

Sets the numerical value that the symbolic constant has.

This will be used to place the appropriate fractions of the symbol at the respective axis coordinates.

◆ simplifyFraction()

void QCPAxisTickerPi::simplifyFraction ( int &  numerator,
int &  denominator 
) const

◆ unicodeFraction()

QString QCPAxisTickerPi::unicodeFraction ( int  numerator,
int  denominator 
) const

◆ unicodeSubscript()

QString QCPAxisTickerPi::unicodeSubscript ( int  number) const

◆ unicodeSuperscript()

QString QCPAxisTickerPi::unicodeSuperscript ( int  number) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ mFractionStyle

FractionStyle QCPAxisTickerPi::mFractionStyle

◆ mPeriodicity

int QCPAxisTickerPi::mPeriodicity

◆ mPiSymbol

QString QCPAxisTickerPi::mPiSymbol

◆ mPiTickStep

double QCPAxisTickerPi::mPiTickStep

◆ mPiValue

double QCPAxisTickerPi::mPiValue

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