A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
HarbourStats Class Reference

#include <harbourdata.h>

Public Member Functions

 HarbourStats ()

Public Attributes

double numTrips
double mCumCatches
double mCumDiscards
double mCumDiscardsRatio
double mCumProfit
double mGav
double mVpuf
double mSweptArea
double mRevenuePerSweptArea
double cumVpuf
double cumRevenuePerSweptArea
double GVA
double cumGVAPerRevenue
double GVAPerRevenue
double LabourSurplus
double GrossProfit
double NetProfit
double NetProfitMargin
double RoFTA
double GVAPerFTE
double BER
double CRBER
double NetPresentValue
double cumNetProfitMargin
double cumGVAPerFTE
double cumRoFTA
double cumBER
double cumCRBER
QVector< double > szCatches

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HarbourStats()

HarbourStats::HarbourStats ( )

Member Data Documentation


double HarbourStats::BER


double HarbourStats::CRBER

◆ cumBER

double HarbourStats::cumBER

◆ cumCRBER

double HarbourStats::cumCRBER

◆ cumGVAPerFTE

double HarbourStats::cumGVAPerFTE

◆ cumGVAPerRevenue

double HarbourStats::cumGVAPerRevenue

◆ cumNetProfitMargin

double HarbourStats::cumNetProfitMargin

◆ cumRevenuePerSweptArea

double HarbourStats::cumRevenuePerSweptArea

◆ cumRoFTA

double HarbourStats::cumRoFTA

◆ cumVpuf

double HarbourStats::cumVpuf

◆ GrossProfit

double HarbourStats::GrossProfit


double HarbourStats::GVA


double HarbourStats::GVAPerFTE

◆ GVAPerRevenue

double HarbourStats::GVAPerRevenue

◆ LabourSurplus

double HarbourStats::LabourSurplus

◆ mCumCatches

double HarbourStats::mCumCatches

◆ mCumDiscards

double HarbourStats::mCumDiscards

◆ mCumDiscardsRatio

double HarbourStats::mCumDiscardsRatio

◆ mCumProfit

double HarbourStats::mCumProfit

◆ mGav

double HarbourStats::mGav

◆ mRevenuePerSweptArea

double HarbourStats::mRevenuePerSweptArea

◆ mSweptArea

double HarbourStats::mSweptArea

◆ mVpuf

double HarbourStats::mVpuf

◆ NetPresentValue

double HarbourStats::NetPresentValue

◆ NetProfit

double HarbourStats::NetProfit

◆ NetProfitMargin

double HarbourStats::NetProfitMargin

◆ numTrips

double HarbourStats::numTrips


double HarbourStats::RoFTA

◆ szCatches

QVector<double> HarbourStats::szCatches

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