A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
Ui::PathPenaltyDialog Class Reference

#include <ui_pathpenaltydialog.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ui::PathPenaltyDialog:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ui_PathPenaltyDialog
void setupUi (QDialog *PathPenaltyDialog)
void retranslateUi (QDialog *PathPenaltyDialog)
- Public Attributes inherited from Ui_PathPenaltyDialog
QGridLayout * gridLayout
QLabel * label
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout
QPushButton * cancel
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer
QPushButton * ok
QSpacerItem * verticalSpacer
QDoubleSpinBox * weight
QGroupBox * shapefileGroup
QCheckBox * optClosedForFishing
QTabWidget * tabWidgetPeriods
QWidget * tabWidgetPage1
QGridLayout * gridLayout_2
QCheckBox * optPenaltyQ2
QCheckBox * optPenaltyQ1
QCheckBox * optPenaltyQ3
QCheckBox * optPenaltyQ4
QWidget * tabPageMonths
QWidget * tabPageMetiers
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout
QCheckBox * enableMetiers
QGroupBox * metierGroup
QWidget * tabPageVesselsSizes
QGridLayout * gridLayout_3
QGroupBox * sizeGroup
QGridLayout * gridLayout_4
QCheckBox * cbSize0
QCheckBox * cbSize1
QCheckBox * cbSize2
QCheckBox * cbSize3
QCheckBox * cbSize4
QCheckBox * enableSizes

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: