A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
Ui::ScenarioDialog Class Reference

#include <ui_scenariodialog.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ui::ScenarioDialog:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ui_ScenarioDialog
void setupUi (QDialog *ScenarioDialog)
void retranslateUi (QDialog *ScenarioDialog)
- Public Attributes inherited from Ui_ScenarioDialog
QGridLayout * gridLayout
QLabel * label
QLineEdit * scenarioPath
QGroupBox * group_dyn_alloc_sce
QGroupBox * group_dyn_pop_sce
QLabel * label_3
QLineEdit * biol_sce
QLabel * label_11
QLineEdit * fleet_sce
QLabel * label_9
QSpinBox * freqDoGrowth
QLabel * label_10
QSpinBox * freqDispatchThePop
QToolButton * graphBrowse
QLabel * label_4
QSpinBox * agraph
QLabel * label_8
QSpinBox * nrowcoord
QLabel * label_5
QSpinBox * nrowgraph
QLabel * label_6
QSpinBox * aport
QLabel * label_7
QDoubleSpinBox * gridres
QGroupBox * groupBox_2
QGridLayout * gridLayout_3
QCheckBox * individualQuotas
QGroupBox * groupBox
QGridLayout * gridLayout_2
QCheckBox * dt_enable_stop_fishing
QCheckBox * dt_enable_go_fishing
QCheckBox * dt_enable_start_fishing
QLineEdit * dt_go_fishing
QCheckBox * dt_enable_choose_ground
QPushButton * dt_browse_go_fishing
QCheckBox * dt_enable_change_ground
QCheckBox * dt_enable_change_port
QLineEdit * dt_choose_ground
QLineEdit * dt_start_fishing
QLineEdit * dt_change_ground
QLineEdit * dt_stop_fishing
QLineEdit * dt_change_port
QPushButton * dt_browse_choose_ground
QPushButton * dt_browse_start_fishing
QPushButton * dt_browse_change_ground
QPushButton * dt_browse_stop_fishing
QPushButton * dt_browse_change_port
QSpacerItem * verticalSpacer
QCheckBox * useDTree
QCheckBox * checkAllStocks
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout
QPushButton * rename
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer
QPushButton * cancel
QPushButton * apply

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