Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- g -
- gav
: MetierStats
, VesselsLoglikeTable
, VesselsLoglikeTable::Log
, VesselStats
- gav2
: displace::ipc::VesselLogbookMessage
- generate()
: QCPAxisTicker
, SchedulerScriptGenerator
- GenerateBenthosFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenerateFirmsFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenerateFishfarmsFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenerateHarboursFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- generateLabelParameterHash()
: QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- GenerateMetiersSelectivityPerStockFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenerateMetiersVariousFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenerateOtherCatchesOnNodes
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GeneratePopAvailFromSurveys
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GeneratePopAvailGisLayers
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GeneratePopFeatures
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GeneratePopulationsConfigFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GeneratePopulationsInteractionMatrixFile
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GeneratePopulationsVariousFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenerateShippingFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenerateSimulationsConfigFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenerateVesselFishingEffort
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenerateVesselsConfigFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenerateWindmillsFiles
: displace::R::Settings::Scripts
- GenericConsoleStringOutputMessage()
: GenericConsoleStringOutputMessage
- GeoGraph()
: GeoGraph
- GeoGraphLoader()
: GeoGraphLoader
- GeometryBuilder
: LineStringMapModel
, SinglePointMapModel
- geometryClicked()
: MapObjectsController
- get()
: ConfigDialog
, displace::formats::helpers::KeyValueReader
, displace::formats::helpers::LineNumberReader
, MapObjectContainer< Obj, Idx >
, RunDialog
- get_a_tot_N_at_szgroup_before_applying_M()
: Population
- get_annual_depreciation_rate()
: Vessel
- get_annual_discount_rate()
: Vessel
- get_annual_insurance_costs_per_crew()
: Vessel
- get_annual_other_income()
: Vessel
- get_av_trip_duration()
: Vessel
- get_avai0_beta()
: Population
- get_avai2_beta()
: Population
- get_avai3_beta()
: Population
- get_avai5_beta()
: Population
- get_avai7_beta()
: Population
- get_avai_pops_at_selected_szgroup()
: Node
- get_bathymetry()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_benthos_biomass_carrying_capacity_K_per_landscape_per_funcgr()
: Benthos
- get_benthos_biomass_per_funcgr()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_benthos_id()
: Node
- get_benthos_meanweight_per_funcgr()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_benthos_number_carrying_capacity_K_per_landscape_per_funcgr()
: Benthos
- get_benthos_number_per_funcgr()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_benthos_tot_biomass()
: Node
- get_benthos_tot_biomass_K()
: Node
- get_benthos_tot_meanweight()
: Node
- get_benthos_tot_number()
: Node
- get_benthos_tot_number_K()
: Node
- get_BER()
: Vessel
- get_betas_per_pop()
: Metier
- get_breadth()
: Ship
- get_bunch_of_vessels()
: Firm
- get_carrycapacity()
: Vessel
- get_catch_pop_at_szgroup()
: Vessel
- get_code_area()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_comcat_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_consotogetthere()
: Vessel
- get_count()
: Ship
- get_course()
: Ship
, Vessel
- get_cpue_multiplier()
: Population
- get_CRBER()
: Vessel
- get_crewshare_and_unpaid_labour_costs_percent()
: Vessel
- get_cumcatch_fgrounds()
: Vessel
- get_cumcatch_fgrounds_per_pop()
: Vessel
- get_cumcatches()
: Node
, NodeData
, Vessel
- get_cumcatches_per_pop()
: Node
- get_cumcatches_with_threshold()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_cumdiscard_fgrounds()
: Vessel
- get_cumdiscard_fgrounds_per_pop()
: Vessel
- get_cumdiscards()
: Node
, NodeData
, Vessel
- get_cumdiscards_per_pop()
: Node
- get_cumdiscardsratio()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_cumeffort_fgrounds()
: Vessel
- get_cumftime()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_cumfuelcons()
: Vessel
- get_cumsteaming()
: Vessel
- get_cumsubsurfacesweptarea()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_cumsweptarea()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_current_tac()
: Tac
- get_discardratio_limits()
: Metier
- get_discards_pop_at_szgroup()
: Vessel
- get_DissolvedCarbon()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_DissolvedCarbon_alpha()
: Node
- get_DissolvedCarbon_norm()
: Node
- get_distprevpos()
: Vessel
- get_effort_multiplier()
: Vessel
- get_end_day_harvest()
: Fishfarm
- get_end_point_x()
: Ship
- get_end_point_y()
: Ship
- get_experienced_avoided_stks_bycatch_prop_on_fgrounds()
: Vessel
- get_experienced_bycatch_prop_on_fgrounds()
: Vessel
- get_experiencedcpue_fgrounds()
: Vessel
- get_experiencedcpue_fgrounds_per_pop()
: Vessel
- get_farm_original_lat()
: Fishfarm
- get_farm_original_long()
: Fishfarm
- get_farmtype()
: Fishfarm
- get_fbar()
: Population
- get_fbar_ages_min_max()
: Population
- get_fecundity_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_feed_price_per_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_feed_vet_price_per_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_ff_names_on_node()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_FFmsy()
: Population
- get_fgrounds()
: Vessel
- get_fgrounds_in_closed_areas()
: Vessel
- get_fgrounds_init()
: Vessel
- get_field_of_coeff_diffusion_this_pop()
: Population
- get_firm_id()
: Vessel
- get_fishing_credits()
: Vessel
- get_flag()
: Ship
- get_freq_experiencedcpue_fgrounds()
: Vessel
- get_freq_experiencedcpue_fgrounds_per_pop()
: Vessel
- get_freq_fgrounds()
: Vessel
- get_freq_fgrounds_init()
: Vessel
- get_freq_harbours()
: Vessel
- get_freq_possible_metiers()
: Vessel
- get_freq_usual_fgrounds()
: Harbour
, HarbourData
, Node
, NodeData
- get_freq_usual_fgrounds_this_met()
: Harbour
, Node
- get_freq_usual_metiers()
: Harbour
, Node
- get_fspeed()
: Metier
- get_fuel_use_litre()
: Ship
- get_fuelcons()
: Vessel
- get_fuelprices()
: Harbour
, Node
- get_fueluse()
: Ship
- get_full_spatial_availability()
: Population
- get_fulton_condition_factor()
: Fishfarm
- get_gear_width_a()
: Metier
- get_gear_width_b()
: Metier
- get_gear_width_model()
: Metier
- get_GHGEmission()
: Ship
- get_GHGEmission_gperKWh()
: Ship
- get_GrossProfit()
: Vessel
- get_grosstonnage()
: Ship
- get_growth_transition_matrix()
: Population
- get_gscale_cpue_nodes_species()
: Vessel
- get_gshape_cpue_nodes_species()
: Vessel
- get_GVA()
: Vessel
- get_GVAPerFTE()
: Vessel
- get_GVAPerRevenue()
: Vessel
- get_h_betas_per_pop()
: Benthos
, Node
- get_harbour()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_harbours()
: Vessel
- get_highpotentialcatch()
: Vessel
- get_hyperstability_param()
: Population
- get_id()
: Benthos
- get_idx()
: Firm
, Ship
, Vessel
, Windmill
- get_idx_node()
: HarbourData
, Node
, NodeData
- get_idx_used_metiers_this_trip()
: Vessel
- get_imo()
: Ship
- get_impact_per_pop()
: Node
- get_inactive()
: Vessel
- get_individual_tac()
: Vessel
- get_individual_tac_per_pop_at_year_start()
: Vessel
- get_inharbour()
: Vessel
- get_init_benthos_biomass()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_init_benthos_meanweight()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_init_benthos_number()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_is_active()
: Fishfarm
, Ship
, Windmill
- get_is_avoided_stocks()
: Metier
- get_is_choked()
: Vessel
- get_is_choking_fisheries()
: Population
- get_is_harbour()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_is_running()
: Fishfarm
- get_is_tac_exhausted()
: Tac
- get_is_vessel_exited()
: Vessel
- get_K_y()
: Fishfarm
- get_kg_eggs_per_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_KW()
: Ship
, Vessel
- get_kW_production()
: Windmill
- get_kWh()
: Windmill
- get_LabourSurplus()
: Vessel
- get_landing_costs_percent()
: Vessel
- get_landings_at_end_of_years()
: Population
- get_landings_so_far()
: Population
- get_last_oth_catch_pops_at_szgroup()
: Node
- get_last_oth_disc_pops_at_szgroup()
: Node
- get_lats()
: Ship
- get_length()
: Vessel
- get_length_class()
: Vessel
- get_Linf_mm()
: Fishfarm
- get_list_nodes()
: Benthos
, Population
- get_loa()
: Ship
- get_loc()
: Vessel
- get_loc_ff()
: Fishfarm
- get_longs()
: Ship
- get_loss_after_1_passage()
: Metier
- get_lowesttariff()
: Vessel
- get_M_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_map_of_nodes()
: Vessel
- get_marine_landscape()
: Benthos
, Node
, NodeData
- get_marine_landscape_alpha()
: Node
- get_marine_landscape_norm()
: Node
- get_market_price_sold_fish()
: Fishfarm
- get_maturity_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_meanw_at_start()
: Fishfarm
- get_meanw_funcgr_per_node()
: Benthos
- get_meanw_growth_model_type()
: Fishfarm
- get_metier()
: Vessel
- get_metier_suitable_seabottomtypes()
: Metier
- get_metier_target_stocks()
: Metier
- get_metier_type()
: Metier
- get_min_prop_remaining_global_quotas()
: Vessel
- get_min_prop_remaining_global_quotas_on_avoided_stks()
: Vessel
- get_min_prop_remaining_individual_quotas()
: Vessel
- get_min_prop_remaining_individual_quotas_on_avoided_stks()
: Vessel
- get_mls_cat_per_pop()
: Metier
- get_mosthistoricallyused()
: Vessel
- get_mult_fuelcons_when_fishing()
: Vessel
- get_mult_fuelcons_when_inactive()
: Vessel
- get_mult_fuelcons_when_returning()
: Vessel
- get_mult_fuelcons_when_steaming()
: Vessel
- get_N_in_fish_kg_3per()
: Fishfarm
- get_name()
: Firm
, Fishfarm
, Harbour
, Metier
, Node
, NodeData
, Population
, Ship
, Vessel
, Windmill
- get_natio()
: Vessel
- get_nationality()
: Vessel
- get_nb_ages()
: Population
- get_nb_fish_at_harvest()
: Fishfarm
- get_nb_fish_at_start()
: Fishfarm
- get_nb_szgroups()
: Population
- get_nb_transported_units()
: Ship
- get_nbbenthospops()
: Node
- get_nbchoked()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_nbfpingspertrip()
: Vessel
- get_nbpops()
: Node
- get_nbunits()
: Ship
- get_nbyears_for_growth()
: Fishfarm
- get_NetPresentValue()
: Vessel
- get_NetProfit()
: Vessel
- get_NetProfitMargin()
: Vessel
- get_Nitrogen()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_Nitrogen_alpha()
: Node
- get_Nitrogen_norm()
: Node
- get_notthatfar()
: Vessel
- get_NOxEmission()
: Ship
- get_NOxEmission_gperKWh()
: Ship
- get_Ns_pops_at_szgroup()
: Node
- get_Ns_pops_at_szgroup_at_month_start()
: Node
- get_nszgroups()
: Node
- get_numTrips()
: Vessel
- get_operating_cost_per_day()
: Fishfarm
- get_opportunity_interest_rate()
: Vessel
- get_origin_x()
: Ship
- get_origin_y()
: Ship
- get_oth_land()
: Population
- get_oth_land_multiplier()
: Population
- get_other_annual_fixed_costs()
: Vessel
- get_other_variable_costs_per_unit_effort()
: Vessel
- get_overall_migration_fluxes()
: Population
- get_Oxygen()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_Oxygen_alpha()
: Node
- get_Oxygen_norm()
: Node
- get_P_in_fish_kg_0_5per()
: Fishfarm
- get_param_sr()
: Population
- get_perceived_tot_F_at_age()
: Population
- get_perceived_tot_N_at_age()
: Population
- get_percent_age_per_szgroup_matrix()
: Population
- get_percent_for_simulated_vessels()
: Tac
- get_percent_revenue_completeness()
: Metier
- get_percent_szgroup_per_age_matrix()
: Population
- get_percent_tac_per_pop()
: Vessel
- get_Phosphorus()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_Phosphorus_alpha()
: Node
- get_Phosphorus_norm()
: Node
- get_ping_catch_pop_at_szgroup()
: Vessel
- get_PMEEmission()
: Ship
- get_PMEEmission_gperKWh()
: Ship
- get_pop_name()
: Population
- get_pop_names_on_node()
: Node
- get_possible_metiers()
: Vessel
- get_pressure_pops_at_szgroup()
: Node
- get_previous_harbour_idx()
: Vessel
- get_price_eggs_per_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_price_per_kg_at_start()
: Fishfarm
- get_prices_per_cat()
: Harbour
, Node
- get_prop_funcgr_biomass_per_node()
: Benthos
- get_prop_funcgr_number_per_node()
: Benthos
- get_prop_harvest_kg_sold()
: Fishfarm
- get_prop_migrants_in_tot_N_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_prop_N_in_feed()
: Fishfarm
- get_prop_N_in_feed_vet()
: Fishfarm
- get_prop_P_in_feed()
: Fishfarm
- get_prop_P_in_feed_vet()
: Fishfarm
- get_prop_remaining_global_quotas()
: Vessel
- get_prop_remaining_individual_quotas()
: Vessel
- get_proportion_mature_fish()
: Population
- get_proprecru_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_quota()
: Population
- get_quota_uptake()
: Population
- get_reason_to_go_back()
: Vessel
- get_recovery_rates_per_funcgr()
: Benthos
- get_relative_stability_key()
: Tac
- get_removals_pops_at_szgroup()
: Node
- get_resttime_par1()
: Vessel
- get_resttime_par2()
: Vessel
- get_roadmap()
: Vessel
- get_RoFTA()
: Vessel
- get_salinity()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_salinity_alpha()
: Node
- get_salinity_norm()
: Node
- get_selected_szgroups()
: Population
- get_selectivity_per_stock_ogives()
: Metier
- get_shippingdensity()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_siltfraction()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_sim_annual_profit()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_cumul_net_discharge_C()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_cumul_net_discharge_medecine()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_cumul_net_discharge_N()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_cumul_net_discharge_P()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_individual_mean_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_kg_eggs_harvested()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_kg_harvested()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_net_discharge_C()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_net_discharge_medecine()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_net_discharge_N()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_net_discharge_P()
: Fishfarm
- get_sim_previous_individual_mean_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_size()
: Fishfarm
- get_smartcatch()
: Vessel
- get_SOxEmission()
: Ship
- get_SOxEmission_percentpertotalfuelmass()
: Ship
- get_speed()
: Vessel
- get_SSB()
: Population
- get_SSB_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_sst()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_sst_alpha()
: Node
- get_sst_norm()
: Node
- get_standard_annual_full_time_employement_hours()
: Vessel
- get_standard_labour_hour_opportunity_costs()
: Vessel
- get_start_day_growing()
: Fishfarm
- get_state()
: Vessel
- get_stringname()
: Fishfarm
- get_subsurfacesweptareathistrip()
: Vessel
- get_sweptareathistrip()
: Vessel
- get_t0_y()
: Fishfarm
- get_tac()
: Population
- get_tankcapacity()
: Vessel
- get_target_factor()
: Metier
- get_targeting_non_tac_pop_only()
: Vessel
- get_tariffs()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_this_vessel_nb_crew()
: Vessel
- get_timeatsea()
: Vessel
- get_timeforrest()
: Vessel
- get_tot_C_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_tot_D_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_tot_F_at_age()
: Population
- get_tot_F_at_age_last_quarter()
: Population
- get_tot_F_at_age_running_average()
: Population
- get_tot_M_at_age()
: Population
- get_tot_Mat_at_age()
: Population
- get_tot_N_at_age()
: Population
- get_tot_N_at_age0()
: Population
- get_tot_N_at_age_last_quarter()
: Population
- get_tot_N_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_tot_N_at_szgroup_just_after_redistribution()
: Population
- get_tot_N_at_szgroup_month_minus_1()
: Population
- get_tot_N_at_szgroup_year_minus_1()
: Population
- get_tot_W_at_age()
: Population
- get_total_feed_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_total_feed_N_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_total_feed_P_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_total_feed_vet_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_total_feed_vet_N_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_total_feed_vet_P_kg()
: Fishfarm
- get_totNs_per_pop()
: Node
- get_totWs_per_pop()
: Node
- get_traveled_dist_this_trip()
: Vessel
- get_true_tot_N_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_ts_tac()
: Tac
- get_tstep_dep()
: Vessel
- get_type()
: Ship
, Windmill
- get_typecode()
: Ship
- get_usual_fgrounds()
: Harbour
, HarbourData
, Node
, NodeData
- get_usual_fgrounds_this_met()
: Harbour
, Node
- get_usual_metiers()
: Harbour
, Node
- get_vcruise()
: Ship
- get_vessel_betas_per_pop()
: Vessel
- get_vessel_value()
: Vessel
- get_vid()
: Node
- get_vid_is_active()
: Vessel
- get_vid_is_part_of_ref_fleet()
: Vessel
- get_vmax()
: Ship
- get_weight_at_szgroup()
: Population
- get_wind()
: Node
, NodeData
- get_wind_alpha()
: Node
- get_wind_norm()
: Node
- get_x()
: Firm
, Fishfarm
, Node
, NodeData
, Ship
, Vessel
, Windmill
- get_y()
: Firm
, Fishfarm
, Node
, NodeData
, Ship
, Vessel
, Windmill
- get_yearbuild()
: Ship
- getA_port()
: Scenario
- getAdiacencyByIdx()
: NodeData
- getAdiacencyCount()
: NodeData
- getAdiacencyWeight()
: NodeData
- getAggregate()
: PopulationData
- getAggregateAt()
: PopulationData
- getAggregateTot()
: PopulationData
- getAllFishfarms()
: FishFarmsDefTable
, FishFarmsDefTable::Impl
- getAllNodesWithin()
: displace::workers::DataMerger
, DisplaceModel
- getArbitraryBreaksForTariff_asVector()
: Scenario
- getAreacodesFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getAs()
: displace::formats::helpers::LineNumberReader
- getAvgTripProfit()
: Vessel
- getAvgTripRevenues()
: Vessel
- getBannedMetiers()
: PathPenaltyDialog
- getBarRect()
: QCPBars
- getBasePen()
: QCPAxis
- getBathymetryFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getBenthosBiomass()
: NodeData
- getBenthosBiomassOverK()
: NodeData
- getBenthosCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getBenthosFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getBenthosIdx()
: DisplaceModel
- getBenthosList()
: DisplaceModel
- getBenthosMeanweight()
: NodeData
- getBenthosNbFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getBenthosNumber()
: NodeData
- getBenthosNumberOverK()
: NodeData
- getBenthosPopCount()
: NodeData
- getBenthosPopulationsCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getBenthosStat()
: StatsController
- getBenthosStatData()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getBenthosStatistics()
: DisplaceModel
- getBER()
: VesselData
- getBiolsce()
: Scenario
- getBorderPen()
: QCPLegend
- getBrush()
: QCPLegend
- getCatch()
: VesselData
- getCatches()
: PopulationData
- getCatchesAt()
: PopulationData
- getCatchesListSize()
: VesselData
- getCatchesTot()
: PopulationData
- getCategory()
: objecttree::BenthosEntity
, objecttree::BFunctionalGroupsEntity
, objecttree::FFarmTypesEntity
, objecttree::FirmEntity
, objecttree::FishfarmEntity
, objecttree::HarbourEntity
, objecttree::LayerEntity
, objecttree::MetiersEntity
, objecttree::NationEntity
, objecttree::NodeEntity
, objecttree::ObjectTreeEntity
, objecttree::PopulationEntity
, objecttree::PopulationEntityWithGroup
, objecttree::ShipEntity
, objecttree::ShipTypesEntity
, objecttree::SzGroupEntity
, objecttree::VesselEntity
, objecttree::WFarmTypesEntity
, objecttree::WindmillEntity
, ObjectTreeModel
- getChannelFillPolygon()
: QCPGraph
- getCheckedMonths()
: PathPenaltyDialog
- getChild()
: dtree::Node
, GraphNodeItem
- getChildrenArrowLocation()
: GraphNodeItem
- getChildrenCount()
: dtree::Node
, GraphNodeItem
- getChildrenId()
: GraphNodeItem
- getClosedPolygonFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getClosedPolygonFilenameMonthly()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getClosedPolygonFilenameVesSize()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getConfigScriptPath()
: displace::vesselsEditor::Settings
- getCoordsFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getCount()
: MapObjectsController::LayerList
- getCRBER()
: VesselData
- getCumcatchesPerPop()
: NodeData
- getCumdiscardsPerPop()
: NodeData
- getCumFuelCons()
: VesselData
- getCurrentStep()
: DisplaceModel
- getCurveLines()
: QCPCurve
- getData()
: CachedDataStorage< Data >
- getDataAsTuple()
: SchedulerJob
- getDataSegments()
: QCPAbstractPlottable1D< DataType >
, QCPErrorBars
- getDaysSpentInRestrictedAreaThisMonth()
: Vessel
- getDb()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getDiscard()
: VesselData
- getDiscards()
: PopulationData
- getDiscardsAt()
: PopulationData
- getDiscardsListSize()
: VesselData
- getDiscardsTot()
: PopulationData
- getDissolvedCarbonFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getDistance()
: MergeDataDialog
- getDtChangeGround()
: Scenario
- getDtChangePort()
: Scenario
- getDtChooseGround()
: Scenario
- getDtGoFishing()
: Scenario
- getDtStartFishing()
: Scenario
- getDtStopFishing()
: Scenario
- getDyn_alloc_sce()
: Scenario
- getDyn_alloc_sce_asVector()
: Scenario
- getDyn_pop_sce()
: Scenario
- getDyn_pop_sce_asVector()
: Scenario
- getEditorMode()
: MapObjectsController
- getEnvironmentData()
: MapsDataProvider
- getEnvtData()
: NodeGraphics
- getError()
: BackgroundWorker
- getErrorBarLines()
: QCPErrorBars
- getExcludingSelectedShapefile()
: CreateGraphDialog
- getFillBasePoint()
: QCPGraph
- getFillPolygon()
: QCPGraph
- getFinalMaximumOuterSize()
: QCPLayout
- getFinalMinimumOuterSize()
: QCPLayout
- getFinalRect()
: QCPItemPixmap
- getFinalScatterStyle()
: QCPSelectionDecorator
- getFirmCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getFirmId()
: DisplaceModel
, objecttree::FirmEntity
- getFirmList()
: DisplaceModel
- getFirst()
: HistoricalDataCollector< T >
- getFishfarmAnnualProfit()
: NodeData
- getFishfarmCumulNetDischargeN()
: NodeData
- getFishfarmCumulNetDischargeP()
: NodeData
- getFishfarmDefTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getFishfarmEggsHarvestedKg()
: NodeData
- getFishfarmFishHarvestedKg()
: NodeData
- getFishfarmFishMeanWeight()
: NodeData
- getFishfarmId()
: DisplaceModel
, objecttree::FishfarmEntity
- getFishfarmList()
: DisplaceModel
- getFishfarmNetDischargeN()
: NodeData
- getFishfarmNetDischargeP()
: NodeData
- getFishfarmsCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getFishfarmsStat()
: StatsController
- getFishfarmsStatistics()
: DisplaceModel
- getFishFarmStatData()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getFishfarmsTypesList()
: DisplaceModel
- getFleetsce()
: Scenario
- getFont()
: QCPPlottableLegendItem
- getFormatString()
: InterestingListWithSpecialValues< T >
- getFreqDispatchThePop()
: Scenario
- getFreqDoGrowth()
: Scenario
- getFreqUpdateTariffCode()
: Scenario
- getFuelCost()
: VesselData
- getFuncGroupsTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getFunctionalGroupsList()
: DisplaceModel
- getGav()
: VesselData
- getGeometryEntity()
: EdgeMapObject
, FirmMapObject
, FishfarmMapObject
, HarbourMapObject
, MapObject
, NodeMapObject
, ShipMapObject
, VesselMapObject
, WindmillMapObject
- getGraph()
: Scenario
- getGraph_res()
: Scenario
- getGraph_res_asVector()
: Scenario
- getGraphFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getGraphName()
: CreateShortestPathDialog
- getGrossProfit()
: VesselData
- getGVA()
: VesselData
- getGVAPerFTE()
: VesselData
- getGVAPerRevenue()
: VesselData
- getHarbourData()
: DisplaceModel
- getHarbourId()
: DisplaceModel
, NodeData
, objecttree::HarbourEntity
- getHarbourList()
: DisplaceModel
- getHarboursCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getHarboursList()
: DisplaceModel
- getHarboursStat()
: StatsController
- getHarbourStatsAtStep()
: DbHelper
- getIconBorderPen()
: QCPPlottableLegendItem
- getId()
: Benthos
, FishfarmData
, MetierData
, PopulationData
- getIdx()
: Benthos
, FishfarmData
- getImpact()
: NodeData
- getIncludingSelectedShapefile1()
: CreateGraphDialog
- getIncludingSelectedShapefile2()
: CreateGraphDialog
- getInputFile()
: MergeDataDialog
- getInterestingBenthos()
: DisplaceModel
- getInterestingFishfarms()
: DisplaceModel
- getInterestingHarbours()
: DisplaceModel
- getInterestingList()
: NodeMapObject
, NodeWithPopStatsGraphics
- getInterestingNations()
: DisplaceModel
- getInterestingPops()
: DisplaceModel
- getInterestingPops2()
: DisplaceModel
- getInterestingShips()
: DisplaceModel
- getInterestingSizes()
: DisplaceModel
- getInterestingVessels()
: DisplaceModel
- getInterestingWindfarms()
: DisplaceModel
- getIs_check_all_stocks_before_going_fishing()
: Scenario
- getIs_individual_vessel_quotas()
: Scenario
- getIsolatedNodes()
: IsolatedSubgraphChecker
- getKeyRange()
: QCPAbstractPlottable
, QCPBars
, QCPColorMap
, QCPCurve
, QCPErrorBars
, QCPFinancial
, QCPGraph
, QCPStatisticalBox
- getLabelColor()
: QCPAxis
- getLabelFont()
: QCPAxis
- getLabourSurplus()
: VesselData
- getLandscapeFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getLastError()
: DisplaceModel
- getLastHarbour()
: VesselData
- getLastKnownStep()
: DbHelper
- getLastStep()
: DisplaceModel
- getLastTripExplicitRevenues()
: Vessel
- getLastTripProfit()
: Vessel
- getLastTripRevenues()
: Vessel
- getLayerList()
: MapObjectsController
- getLines()
: QCPGraph
- getMantissa()
: QCPAxisTicker
- getMapCenterPoint()
: displace::AppSettings
- getMapControl()
: ObjectTreeModel
- getMapControlWidget()
: CsvSpecsPage
- getMapDataProvider()
: DisplaceModel
, MapObjectsController
- getMapping()
: dtree::Node
- getMappingForIndex()
: NodeMappingsDialog
- getMapZoom()
: displace::AppSettings
- getMaturityAtAge()
: PopulationData
- getMaturityAtAgeAt()
: PopulationData
- getMaturityAtAgeTot()
: PopulationData
- getMaxDinstance()
: LinkHarboursDialog
- getMaximumRowColSizes()
: QCPLayoutGrid
- getMaxLinks()
: CreateGraphDialog
, LinkHarboursDialog
- getMaxTickLabelSize()
: QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- getMetadata()
: DbHelper
, MetadataTable
- getMetadataAs()
: MetadataTable
- getMetiersCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getMetiersList()
: DisplaceModel
- getMetiersStat()
: StatsController
- getMinimumRowColSizes()
: QCPLayoutGrid
- getMinLinks()
: CreateGraphDialog
- getModeDescription()
: DrawPenaltyPolygon
, EdgeAddMouseMode
, MouseMode
, MoveFilteringMouseModeDecorator
, SingleClickMouseMode
- getModel()
: MapObjectsController
, NodeData
, ObjectTreeModel
- getModelIdx()
: ObjectTreeModel
- getMonth()
: Calendar
- getMortality()
: PopulationData
- getMortalityAt()
: PopulationData
- getMortalityTot()
: PopulationData
- getMoveVesselOption()
: Simulator
- getMoveVesselsOption()
: SimulationSetupDialog
- getMru()
: MruPathManager
- getName()
: MapObjectsController::LayerList
, NationData
, PopulationData
, SimulationRun
, VesselData
- getNation()
: DisplaceModel
- getNationality()
: VesselData
- getNationsList()
: DisplaceModel
, SQLiteOutputStorage
, VesselDefTable
- getNationsStat()
: StatsController
- getNatMortality()
: PopulationData
- getNatMortalityAt()
: PopulationData
- getNatMortalityTot()
: PopulationData
- getNbbenthospops()
: Config
- getNBBenthosPops()
: DisplaceModel
- getNbOfDaysClosed()
: Node
- getNbpops()
: Config
- getNBPops()
: DisplaceModel
- getNbPops()
: PopTable
, SQLiteOutputStorage
- getNetPresentValue()
: VesselData
- getNetProfit()
: VesselData
- getNetProfitMargin()
: VesselData
- getNext()
: displace::graphbuilders::GeographicGridBuilder
, displace::graphbuilders::SimpleGeodesicLineGraphBuilder
, displace::graphbuilders::SimplePlanarGraphBuilder
- getNitrogenFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getNode()
: GraphNodeItem
, PathShop::Data
, PathShop
, PathShop::Private
- getNodeId()
: DisplaceModel
, objecttree::NodeEntity
- getNodes()
: Benthos
- getNodesBenthosData()
: MapsDataProvider
- getNodesCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getNodesDefTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getNodesEnvtTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getNodesList()
: DisplaceModel
- getNodesPopData()
: MapsDataProvider
- getNodesStatTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getNodesTariffStatTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getNonNanSegments()
: QCPGraph
- getNrow_coord()
: Scenario
- getNrow_graph()
: Scenario
- getNumberAtAge()
: PopulationData
- getNumberAtAgeAt()
: PopulationData
- getNumberAtAgeTot()
: PopulationData
- getNumFishfarmsTypes()
: DisplaceModel
- getNumFuncGroups()
: DisplaceModel
- getNumShipsTypes()
: DisplaceModel
- getNumThreads()
: SimulationRun
, SimulationSetupDialog
- getNumTrips()
: Vessel
, VesselData
- getNumWindfarmsTypes()
: DisplaceModel
- getOptimizedCornerPoints()
: QCPCurve
- getOptimizedLineData()
: QCPGraph
- getOptimizedPoint()
: QCPCurve
- getOptimizedScatterData()
: QCPGraph
- getOptions()
: GraphExportProperties
- getOutDir()
: DisplaceModel
, SimulationRun
, SimulationSetupDialog
- getOutputFile()
: MergeDataDialog
- getOutputFolder()
: CreateShortestPathDialog
- getOutputStockFilename()
: MergePopulationPluginComponent
- getOutputStorage()
: DisplaceModel
- getOverlappingSegments()
: QCPGraph
- getOxygenFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getPalette()
: MapObjectsController
- getParent()
: GraphNodeItem
- getPartAt()
: QCPAxis
- getPath()
: SimulationRun
- getPenaltyCollection()
: DisplaceModel
- getPhosphorusFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getPixelCoordinates()
: QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
- getPixelSpacing()
: QCPBarsGroup
- getPixelWidth()
: QCPBars
, QCPFinancial
- getPop()
: DisplaceModel
, NodeData
- getPopCount()
: NodeData
- getPopTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getPopTot()
: NodeData
- getPopulationOutFileName()
: MergePopulationDataDialog
- getPopulationsCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getPopulationsList()
: DisplaceModel
, SQLiteOutputStorage
- getPopulationStat()
: StatsController
- getPopulationStatData()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getPopW()
: NodeData
- getPopWTot()
: NodeData
- getPreexistingPathsShop()
: SimulationSetupDialog
- getPreviousNode()
: PathShop::Data
- getQuarter()
: Calendar
- getQuartileBox()
: QCPStatisticalBox
- getRecord()
: CachedDataStorage< Data >
- getRectClippedLine()
: QCPItemLine
- getRectClippedStraightLine()
: QCPItemStraightLine
- getRegion()
: QCPCurve
- getRelevantInterNodesFolder()
: CreateShortestPathDialog
- getRelevantNodesFolder()
: CreateShortestPathDialog
- getResultingName()
: BatchCreateDialog
- getRevenueAV()
: VesselData
- getRevenueExAV()
: VesselData
- getRevenuePerSweptArea()
: VesselData
- getRoFTA()
: VesselData
- getRole()
: NodeMapObject
- getRScriptExe()
: displace::R::Env
- getRScriptHome()
: displace::R::Env
- getRunScriptPath()
: displace::vesselsEditor::Settings
- getSalinityFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getScatters()
: QCPCurve
, QCPGraph
- getScenario()
: ScenarioDialog
- getScenarioPath()
: ScenarioDialog
- getScriptBasePath()
: displace::R::Settings
- getScriptPath()
: displace::R::Settings
- getSectionSizes()
: QCPLayout
- getSelectedGroupsIndexes()
: MergePopulationDataDialog
- getSelectedSizes()
: MergePopulationPluginComponent
- getSelectedStocks()
: MergePopulationDataDialog
, MergePopulationPluginComponent
- getSelection()
: MergePopulationPluginComponent::TableModel
- getSelectionCount()
: MergePopulationPluginComponent::TableModel
- getSelectionIndexes()
: MergePopulationPluginComponent::TableModel
- getSemester()
: Calendar
- getShapefile()
: MapObjectsController
- getShapefilesList()
: MapObjectsController
- getShipId()
: DisplaceModel
, objecttree::ShipEntity
- getShipList()
: DisplaceModel
- getShippingdensityFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getShipsCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getShipsStat()
: StatsController
- getShipsStatData()
: ShipsTable
, SQLiteOutputStorage
- getShipsStatistics()
: DisplaceModel
- getShipsTypesList()
: DisplaceModel
- getShortestPathFolder()
: CreateShortestPathDialog
- getSiltfractionFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getSimulationName()
: SimulationRun
, SimulationSetupDialog
- getSimulationOutputName()
: SimulationRun
, SimulationSetupDialog
- getSimulationSteps()
: DisplaceModel
, SimulationRun
, SimulationSetupDialog
- getSimulatorAppName()
: displace::AppSettings
- getSpecialName()
: InterestingListWithSpecialValues< T >
- getSpecialValuesCount()
: InterestingListWithSpecialValues< T >
- getSSB()
: PopulationData
- getSSBTot()
: PopulationData
- getSSTFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getStackedBaseValue()
: QCPBars
- getStandardEvaluator()
: ExternalStateManager
- getStatData()
: WindfarmsTable
- getStatsController()
: ObjectTreeModel
- getStockNames()
: DisplaceModel
- getSubTickCount()
: QCPAxisTicker
, QCPAxisTickerDateTime
, QCPAxisTickerLog
, QCPAxisTickerPi
, QCPAxisTickerText
, QCPAxisTickerTime
- getSubTickPen()
: QCPAxis
- getSweptArea()
: VesselData
- getSzGroups()
: Config
- getSzGrupsCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getTangentAngle()
: QCPSelectionDecoratorBracket
- getTariffAnnualHcrPercentChange()
: Scenario
- getTariffPop_asVector()
: Scenario
- getTextColor()
: QCPPlottableLegendItem
- getTextDrawPoint()
: QCPItemText
- getThreshold()
: displace::simulation::TimeSeries
- getTickLabel()
: QCPAxisTicker
, QCPAxisTickerDateTime
, QCPAxisTickerPi
, QCPAxisTickerText
, QCPAxisTickerTime
- getTickLabelColor()
: QCPAxis
- getTickLabelData()
: QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- getTickLabelDrawOffset()
: QCPAxisPainterPrivate
- getTickLabelFont()
: QCPAxis
- getTickPen()
: QCPAxis
- getTickStep()
: QCPAxisTicker
, QCPAxisTickerDateTime
, QCPAxisTickerFixed
, QCPAxisTickerLog
, QCPAxisTickerPi
, QCPAxisTickerText
, QCPAxisTickerTime
- getTimeSeries()
: displace::simulation::Simulation
, displace::simulation::TimeSeriesManager
- getTotalAmountCredited()
: Scenario
- getTraverse()
: QCPCurve
- getTraverseCornerPoints()
: QCPCurve
- getType()
: CreateGraphDialog
, GenericConsoleStringOutputMessage
, MoveShipOutputMessage
, MoveVesselOutputMessage
, NodeWithPopStatsGraphics
, OutputMessage
, QuitMessage
, VesselLogbookOutputMessage
- getUniqueValuesCount()
: HistoricalDataCollector< T >
- getUnmappedChild()
: dtree::Node
- getUpdateTariffsBasedOnLpueOrDpueCode()
: Scenario
- getUseStaticPaths()
: DisplaceModel
, SimulationSetupDialog
- getUsingStaticPaths()
: SimulationRun
- getValue()
: displace::simulation::TimeSeries
, HistoricalDataCollector< T >
- getValueForPop()
: NodeWithPopStatsGraphics
- getValueRange()
: QCPAbstractPlottable
, QCPBars
, QCPColorMap
, QCPCurve
, QCPErrorBars
, QCPFinancial
, QCPGraph
, QCPStatisticalBox
- getVectorOfInt()
: ModelMetadataAccessor
- getVerbosityLevel()
: SimulationSetupDialog
- getVessel()
: DisplaceModel
- getVesselCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getVesselDefTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getVesselId()
: DisplaceModel
, objecttree::VesselEntity
- getVesselList()
: DisplaceModel
- getVesselLoglikeDataByHarbour()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getVesselLoglikeDataByMetier()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getVesselLoglikeDataByNation()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getVesselLoglikeDataByVessel()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getVesselLoglikeTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getVesselMoveDisplayUpdateRate()
: SimulationSetupDialog
, Simulator
- getVesselsList()
: DisplaceModel
- getVesselsStat()
: StatsController
- getVesselVmsLikeFPingsOnlyTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getVesselVmsLikeTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getVesSizeSelection()
: PathPenaltyDialog
- getVisibleDataBounds()
: QCPBars
, QCPErrorBars
, QCPFinancial
, QCPGraph
, QCPStatisticalBox
- getWaitDialog()
: BackgroundWorkerWithWaitDialog
- getWeekEndEndDay()
: Vessel
- getWeekEndStartDay()
: Vessel
- getWeight()
: PathShop::Data
- getWeightAtAge()
: PopulationData
- getWeightAtAgeAt()
: PopulationData
- getWeightAtAgeTot()
: PopulationData
- getWhiskerBackboneLines()
: QCPStatisticalBox
- getWhiskerBarLines()
: QCPStatisticalBox
- getWindfarmsStat()
: StatsController
- getWindfarmsTypesList()
: DisplaceModel
- getWindfarmTable()
: SQLiteOutputStorage
- getWindFilename()
: SaveGraphDialog
- getWindmillCount()
: DisplaceModel
- getWindmillId()
: DisplaceModel
, objecttree::WindmillEntity
- getWindmillList()
: DisplaceModel
- getWorkDayEndHour()
: Vessel
- getWorkDayStartHour()
: Vessel
- getX()
: FirmData
, FishfarmData
, ShipData
, WindmillData
- getY()
: FirmData
, FishfarmData
, ShipData
, WindmillData
- getYear()
: Calendar
- GHG_emission
: ShipsStats::StatData
- GHG_emission_gperkW
: ShipsStats::StatData
- GHGEmissionFactorForShipAndShipGroup()
: ShipsStats
- GHGEmissionForShipAndShipGroup()
: ShipsStats
- gisPath
: Ui_VesselEditorMainWindow
- GoFishing
: dtree::DecisionTreeManager
- good
: deprecated::GraphBuilder::Node
, GraphBuilder::Node
- gpCandy
: QCPColorGradient
- gpCold
: QCPColorGradient
- gpGeography
: QCPColorGradient
- gpGrayscale
: QCPColorGradient
- gpHot
: QCPColorGradient
- gpHues
: QCPColorGradient
- gpIon
: QCPColorGradient
- gpJet
: QCPColorGradient
- gpNight
: QCPColorGradient
- gpPolar
: QCPColorGradient
- gpSpectrum
: QCPColorGradient
- gpThermal
: QCPColorGradient
- gradient()
: QCPColorMap
, QCPColorScale
- gradientChanged()
: QCPColorMap
, QCPColorScale
- GradientPreset
: QCPColorGradient
- graph
: AStarShortestPath::Impl
, GeoGraph
- Graph
: GeoGraph
- graph()
: QCPItemTracer
, QCustomPlot
- graph_res
: displace::commons::Scenario
- graphBrowse
: Ui_ScenarioDialog
- GraphBuilder()
: deprecated::GraphBuilder
, GraphBuilder
- GraphBuilderWorker()
: GraphBuilderWorker
- graphCount()
: QCustomPlot
- graphCreated()
: MainWindow
- GraphExportProperties()
: GraphExportProperties
- graphFileName
: Ui_SaveGraphDialog
- GraphFolder
: MruPathManager
- GraphInteractionController()
: GraphInteractionController
- graphKey()
: QCPItemTracer
- graphName
: Ui_CreateShortestPathDialog
, Ui_SaveGraphDialog
- GraphNodeChildBoxItem()
: GraphNodeChildBoxItem
- GraphNodeExtra()
: dtree::GraphNodeExtra
- GraphNodeItem()
: GraphNodeItem
- GraphNodeRole
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithBathymetry
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithBenthosBiomass
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithBenthosMeanweight
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithBenthosNumber
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithBiomass
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithCumCatchesRole
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithCumCatchesWithThresholdRole
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithCumDiscardsRatioRole
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithCumDiscardsRole
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithCumFTimeRole
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithCumSubsurfaceSweptAreaRole
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithCumSweptAreaRole
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithDissolvedCarbon
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithNbChokedRole
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithNitrogen
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithOxygen
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithPhosphorus
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithPopCumcatches
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithPopImpact
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithPopStatsRole
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithSalinity
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithShippingdensity
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithSiltfraction
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithSST
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithTariffs0
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithTariffs1
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithTariffs2
: NodeMapObject
- GraphNodeWithWind
: NodeMapObject
- graphs()
: QCPAxis
, QCPAxisRect
- grid()
: QCPAxis
- gridLayout
: Ui_ConfigDialog
, Ui_CreateGraphDialog
, Ui_CreateShortestPathDialog
, Ui_EditPaletteDialog
, Ui_LinkHarboursDialog
, Ui_MainWindow
, Ui_MergeDataDialog
, Ui_MergePopulationPluginComponent
, Ui_PathPenaltyDialog
, Ui_RunDialog
, Ui_SaveGraphDialog
, Ui_ScenarioDialog
, Ui_ShapefileOperationDialog
, Ui_SimulationSetupDialog
, Ui_VesselEditorMainWindow
- gridLayout_2
: Ui_CreateGraphDialog
, Ui_CreateShortestPathDialog
, Ui_LinkHarboursDialog
, Ui_MainWindow
, Ui_MergeDataDialog
, Ui_MergePopulationPluginComponent
, Ui_PathPenaltyDialog
, Ui_RunDialog
, Ui_SaveGraphDialog
, Ui_ScenarioDialog
, Ui_SimulationSetupDialog
, Ui_VesselEditorMainWindow
- gridLayout_3
: Ui_CreateGraphDialog
, Ui_MainWindow
, Ui_MergePopulationPluginComponent
, Ui_PathPenaltyDialog
, Ui_RunDialog
, Ui_SaveGraphDialog
, Ui_ScenarioDialog
, Ui_SimulationSetupDialog
, Ui_VesselEditorMainWindow
- gridLayout_4
: Ui_CreateGraphDialog
, Ui_MainWindow
, Ui_MergePopulationPluginComponent
, Ui_PathPenaltyDialog
, Ui_VesselEditorMainWindow
- gridLayout_5
: Ui_MainWindow
, Ui_MergePopulationPluginComponent
- gridres
: Ui_ScenarioDialog
- GrossProfit
: displace::ipc::VesselLogbookMessage
, HarbourStats
, MetierStats
, NationStats
, VesselsLoglikeTable
, VesselsLoglikeTable::Log
, VesselStats
- group_dyn_alloc_sce
: Ui_ScenarioDialog
- group_dyn_pop_sce
: Ui_ScenarioDialog
- groupBox
: Ui_CreateGraphDialog
, Ui_CreateShortestPathDialog
, Ui_GraphExportProperties
, Ui_LinkHarboursDialog
, Ui_MainWindow
, Ui_MergeDataDialog
, Ui_MergePopulationPluginComponent
, Ui_RunDialog
, Ui_SaveGraphDialog
, Ui_ScenarioDialog
, Ui_SimulationSetupDialog
- groupBox_2
: Ui_CreateGraphDialog
, Ui_MainWindow
, Ui_MergePopulationPluginComponent
, Ui_RunDialog
, Ui_SaveGraphDialog
, Ui_ScenarioDialog
, Ui_SimulationSetupDialog
, Ui_VesselEditorMainWindow
- groupBox_3
: Ui_CreateGraphDialog
- grouped_tacs()
: Config
- groupNumber
: Ui_NodeMappingsDialog
: displace::ipc::VesselLogbookMessage
, HarbourStats
, MetierStats
, NationStats
, VesselsLoglikeTable
, VesselsLoglikeTable::Log
, VesselStats
: displace::ipc::VesselLogbookMessage
, HarbourStats
, MetierStats
, NationStats
, VesselsLoglikeTable
, VesselsLoglikeTable::Log
, VesselStats
- GVAPerRevenue
: displace::ipc::VesselLogbookMessage
, HarbourStats
, MetierStats
, NationStats
, VesselsLoglikeTable
, VesselsLoglikeTable::Log
, VesselStats