A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
biomodule2.h File Reference
#include <Population.h>
#include <Node.h>
#include <Vessel.h>
#include <options.h>
#include <errno.h>

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bool applyBiologicalModule2 (int tstep, int a_month_i, const string &namesimu, const string &namefolderinput, const string &namefolderoutput, const string &pathoutput, ofstream &popstats, ofstream &popdyn_N, ofstream &popdyn_F, ofstream &popdyn_SSB, ofstream &popdyn_annual_indic, ofstream &popnodes_inc, ofstream &popnodes_impact, ofstream &popnodes_cumulcatches_per_pop, ofstream &nodes_envt, ofstream &popnodes_cumftime, ofstream &popnodes_cumsweptarea, ofstream &popnodes_cumcatches, ofstream &popnodes_cumcatches_with_threshold, ofstream &popnodes_cumdiscards, ofstream &popnodes_cumdiscardsratio, ofstream &popnodes_nbchoked, ofstream &popnodes_tariffs, ofstream &export_individual_tacs, ofstream &popnodes_end, ofstream &benthosbiomassnodes, ofstream &benthosnumbernodes, int nbbenthospops, bool use_gui, const string &popstats_filename, const string &popdyn_N_filename, const string &popdyn_F_filename, const string &popdyn_SSB_filename, const string &popnodes_inc_filename, const string &popnodes_end_filename, const string &popnodes_impact_filename, const string &popnodes_cumulcatches_per_pop_filename, const string &nodes_envt_filename, const string &popnodes_cumftime_filename, const string &popnodes_cumsweptarea_filename, const string &popnodes_cumcatches_filename, const string &popnodes_cumcatches_with_threshold_filename, const string &popnodes_cumdiscards_filename, const string &popnodes_cumdiscardsratio_filename, const string &popnodes_nbchoked_filename, const string &popnodes_tariffs_filename, const string &popnodes_benthos_biomass_filename, const string &popnodes_benthos_number_filename, const vector< int > &tsteps_quarters, const vector< int > &tsteps_semesters, const vector< int > &tsteps_years, const vector< int > &tsteps_months, const vector< int > &implicit_pops, const vector< double > &calib_oth_landings, vector< vector< double > > &selectivity_per_stock_ogives_for_oth_land, bool is_tacs, int export_vmslike, int freq_do_growth, const multimap< int, double > &init_weight_per_szgroup, const vector< vector< double > > &species_interactions_mortality_proportion_matrix, vector< Population * > &populations, vector< Node * > &nodes, vector< Vessel * > &vessels, vector< Benthos * > &benthos, const PopSceOptions &dyn_pop_sce, const DynAllocOptions &dyn_alloc_sce, vector< vector< double > > &Ws_at_szgroup, vector< vector< vector< vector< double > > > > &predKernel, vector< vector< double > > &searchVolMat, vector< vector< double > > &juveniles_diet_preference, vector< vector< double > > &adults_diet_preference, vector< int > &mat_cats)

Function Documentation

◆ applyBiologicalModule2()

bool applyBiologicalModule2 ( int  tstep,
int  a_month_i,
const string &  namesimu,
const string &  namefolderinput,
const string &  namefolderoutput,
const string &  pathoutput,
ofstream &  popstats,
ofstream &  popdyn_N,
ofstream &  popdyn_F,
ofstream &  popdyn_SSB,
ofstream &  popdyn_annual_indic,
ofstream &  popnodes_inc,
ofstream &  popnodes_impact,
ofstream &  popnodes_cumulcatches_per_pop,
ofstream &  nodes_envt,
ofstream &  popnodes_cumftime,
ofstream &  popnodes_cumsweptarea,
ofstream &  popnodes_cumcatches,
ofstream &  popnodes_cumcatches_with_threshold,
ofstream &  popnodes_cumdiscards,
ofstream &  popnodes_cumdiscardsratio,
ofstream &  popnodes_nbchoked,
ofstream &  popnodes_tariffs,
ofstream &  export_individual_tacs,
ofstream &  popnodes_end,
ofstream &  benthosbiomassnodes,
ofstream &  benthosnumbernodes,
int  nbbenthospops,
bool  use_gui,
const string &  popstats_filename,
const string &  popdyn_N_filename,
const string &  popdyn_F_filename,
const string &  popdyn_SSB_filename,
const string &  popnodes_inc_filename,
const string &  popnodes_end_filename,
const string &  popnodes_impact_filename,
const string &  popnodes_cumulcatches_per_pop_filename,
const string &  nodes_envt_filename,
const string &  popnodes_cumftime_filename,
const string &  popnodes_cumsweptarea_filename,
const string &  popnodes_cumcatches_filename,
const string &  popnodes_cumcatches_with_threshold_filename,
const string &  popnodes_cumdiscards_filename,
const string &  popnodes_cumdiscardsratio_filename,
const string &  popnodes_nbchoked_filename,
const string &  popnodes_tariffs_filename,
const string &  popnodes_benthos_biomass_filename,
const string &  popnodes_benthos_number_filename,
const vector< int > &  tsteps_quarters,
const vector< int > &  tsteps_semesters,
const vector< int > &  tsteps_years,
const vector< int > &  tsteps_months,
const vector< int > &  implicit_pops,
const vector< double > &  calib_oth_landings,
vector< vector< double > > &  selectivity_per_stock_ogives_for_oth_land,
bool  is_tacs,
int  export_vmslike,
int  freq_do_growth,
const multimap< int, double > &  init_weight_per_szgroup,
const vector< vector< double > > &  species_interactions_mortality_proportion_matrix,
vector< Population * > &  populations,
vector< Node * > &  nodes,
vector< Vessel * > &  vessels,
vector< Benthos * > &  benthos,
const PopSceOptions dyn_pop_sce,
const DynAllocOptions dyn_alloc_sce,
vector< vector< double > > &  Ws_at_szgroup,
vector< vector< vector< vector< double > > > > &  predKernel,
vector< vector< double > > &  searchVolMat,
vector< vector< double > > &  juveniles_diet_preference,
vector< vector< double > > &  adults_diet_preference,
vector< int > &  mat_cats 

!!!!!!!!!!!!// !!!!!!!!!!!!// !!TSTEP 0!!!// !!!!!!!!!!!!// !!!!!!!!!!!!//

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!// !!TSTEPS START MONTHS!!!// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!//