A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
#include <helpers.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <values.h>
#include <Vessel.h>
#include <Ship.h>
#include <Node.h>
#include <Benthos.h>
#include <Metier.h>
#include <outputqueuemanager.h>
#include <messages/movevesseloutputmessage.h>
#include <messages/moveshipoutputmessage.h>
#include <messages/vessellogbookoutputmessage.h>
#include <outputexporter.h>
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
Functions | |
void | guiSendVesselLogbook (const std::string &line) |
void | thread_vessel_init (int n) |
void | thread_vessel_prepare () |
void | thread_vessel_insert_job (int idx) |
void | thread_vessel_signal_exit () |
void | thread_vessel_wait_completed () |
void | thread_vessel_deinit () |
void guiSendVesselLogbook | ( | const std::string & | line | ) |
void thread_vessel_deinit | ( | ) |
void thread_vessel_init | ( | int | n | ) |
void thread_vessel_insert_job | ( | int | idx | ) |
void thread_vessel_prepare | ( | ) |
void thread_vessel_signal_exit | ( | ) |
void thread_vessel_wait_completed | ( | ) |
adjacency_map_t adjacency_map |
vector<double> arbitary_breaks_for_tariff |
vector<Benthos* > benthoss |
string biolsce |
bool check_all_stocks_before_going_fishing |
DynAllocOptions dyn_alloc_sce |
PopSceOptions dyn_pop_sce |
int export_hugefiles |
ofstream export_individual_tacs |
int export_vmslike |
ofstream fishfarmslogs |
string fleetsce |
ofstream freq_cpue |
ofstream freq_distance |
int freq_do_growth |
multimap<int, double> freq_possible_metiers |
ofstream freq_profit |
int freq_redispatch_pop |
int freq_update_tariff_code |
std::mutex glob_mutex |
vector<double> graph_res |
vector<int> grouped_tacs |
multimap<int, double> gscale_cpue_per_stk_on_nodes |
multimap<int, double> gshape_cpue_per_stk_on_nodes |
bool gui_move_vessels |
multimap<int, string> harbour_names |
vector<int> implicit_pops |
bool is_benthos_in_numbers |
bool is_direct_killing_on_benthos |
bool is_discard_ban |
bool is_fishing_credits |
bool is_grouped_tacs |
bool is_individual_vessel_quotas |
bool is_resuspension_effect_on_benthos |
bool is_tacs |
vector<int> listVesselIdForLogLikeToExport |
vector<int> listVesselIdForTripCatchPopPerSzgroupExport |
vector<int> listVesselIdForVmsLikeFPingsOnlyToExport |
vector<int> listVesselIdForVmsLikeToExport |
std::mutex listVesselMutex |
vector<Metier*> metiers |
OutputQueueManager mOutQueue |
vector<int> name_metiers |
int nb_displayed_moves_out_of_twenty |
int nbpops |
int nbsteps |
vector<Node* > nodes |
multimap<int, int> nodes_in_polygons |
vector<PathShop> pathshops |
vector<Population* > populations |
multimap<int, int> possible_metiers |
vector<types::NodeId> relevant_nodes |
displace::commons::Scenario scenario |
vector<Ship*> ships |
ofstream shipslogs |
vector<int> spe_fgrounds |
vector<int> spe_fgrounds_init |
vector<double> spe_freq_fgrounds |
vector<double> spe_freq_fgrounds_init |
vector<double> spe_freq_harbours |
vector<int> spe_harbours |
vector<double> spe_percent_tac_per_pop |
vector<double> spe_vessel_betas_per_pop |
double tariff_annual_hcr_percent_change |
vector<int> tariff_pop |
double tech_creeping_multiplier |
int total_amount_credited |
int tstep |
int update_tariffs_based_on_lpue_or_dpue_code |
bool use_dtrees |
bool use_gnuplot |
bool use_gui |
int use_static_paths |
vector<int> ve |
vector<string> vertex_names |
vector<Vessel*> vessels |
ofstream vmslike2 |
ofstream vmslike3 |
ofstream windfarmslogs |