A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
This is the complete list of members for VesselLogbookOutputMessage, including all inherited members.
getType() const | VesselLogbookOutputMessage | inlinevirtual |
OutputMessage() | OutputMessage | |
process() | VesselLogbookOutputMessage | virtual |
put(void *buffer, size_t index, T v) | OutputMessage | inline |
send(std::ostream &) | VesselLogbookOutputMessage | virtual |
sendBinary(void *buffer, size_t maxlen) | VesselLogbookOutputMessage | virtual |
VesselLogbookOutputMessage(unsigned int, Vessel *, const std::vector< Population * > &, std::vector< int > &) | VesselLogbookOutputMessage | inline |
VesselLogbookOutputMessage(unsigned int _tstep, Vessel *v, const std::vector< Population * > &populations, std::vector< int > &implicit_pops) | VesselLogbookOutputMessage | |
~OutputMessage() | OutputMessage | inlinevirtual |
~OutputMessage() | OutputMessage | inlinevirtual |