A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
This is the complete list of members for Vessel, including all inherited members.
addADayPortionToDaysSpentInRestrictedAreaThisMonth(int idx_met, double a_portion) | Vessel | |
alloc_on_closer_grounds(int tstep, int use_static_paths, vector< Node * > &nodes, const std::vector< types::NodeId > &relevant_nodes, const std::vector< PathShop > &pathshops, std::ofstream &freq_distance) | Vessel | |
alloc_on_high_previous_cpue(int tstep, std::ofstream &freq_cpue) | Vessel | |
alloc_on_high_profit_grounds(int tstep, int use_static_paths, vector< Node * > &nodes, const std::vector< types::NodeId > &relevant_nodes, const std::vector< PathShop > &pathshops, std::ofstream &freq_profit) | Vessel | |
alloc_while_saving_fuel(int tstep, int use_static_paths, vector< Node * > &nodes, const std::vector< types::NodeId > &relevant_nodes, const std::vector< PathShop > &pathshops) | Vessel | |
alter_freq_fgrounds_for_nodes_in_polygons(std::multimap< int, int > nodes_in_polygons) | Vessel | |
Between15and18 enum value | Vessel | |
Between18and24 enum value | Vessel | |
Between24and40 enum value | Vessel | |
choose_a_ground_and_go_fishing(int tstep, const displace::commons::Scenario &scenario, bool use_the_tree, const DynAllocOptions &dyn_alloc_sce, int use_static_paths, const std::vector< PathShop > &pathshops, adjacency_map_t &adjacencymap, vector< types::NodeId > &relevant_nodes, std::multimap< int, int > &nodes_in_polygons, std::vector< Node * > &nodes, std::vector< Metier * > &metiers, std::ofstream &freq_cpue, std::ofstream &freq_profit, std::ofstream &freq_distance) | Vessel | |
choose_a_port_and_then_return(int tstep, const DynAllocOptions &dyn_alloc_sce, int use_static_paths, const std::vector< PathShop > &pathshops, adjacency_map_t &adjacency_map, vector< types::NodeId > &relevant_nodes, std::vector< Node * > &nodes, std::vector< Metier * > &metiers, std::ofstream &freq_cpue, std::ofstream &freq_distance, std::vector< double > &dist_to_ports) | Vessel | |
choose_another_ground_and_go_fishing(int tstep, const DynAllocOptions &dyn_alloc_sce, int use_static_paths, const std::vector< PathShop > &pathshops, adjacency_map_t &adjacency_map, vector< types::NodeId > &relevant_nodes, const std::multimap< int, int > &nodes_in_polygons, std::vector< Node * > &nodes, std::vector< Metier * > &metiers, std::ofstream &freq_cpue, std::ofstream &freq_distance) | Vessel | |
clear_catch_pop_at_szgroup() | Vessel | |
clear_cumcatch_and_cumeffort() | Vessel | |
clear_discards_pop_at_szgroup() | Vessel | |
clear_idx_used_metiers_this_trip() | Vessel | |
clear_ping_catch_pop_at_szgroup() | Vessel | |
compute_experiencedcpue_fgrounds() | Vessel | |
compute_experiencedcpue_fgrounds_per_pop() | Vessel | |
do_catch(std::ofstream &export_individual_tacs, std::vector< Population * > &populations, std::vector< Node * > &nodes, vector< Benthos * > &benthoshabs, std::vector< int > &implicit_pops, vector< int > &grouped_tacs, int &tstep, vector< double > &graph_res, bool &is_tacs, bool &is_individual_vessel_quotas, bool &check_all_stocks_before_going_fishing, bool &is_discard_ban, bool &is_grouped_tacs, double &tech_creeping_multiplier, bool &is_fishing_credits, bool &direct_killing_on_benthos, bool &resuspension_effect_on_benthos, bool &is_benthos_in_numbers) | Vessel | |
erode_roadmap() | Vessel | |
expected_profit_on_grounds(int use_static_paths, vector< Node * > &nodes, const std::vector< types::NodeId > &relevant_nodes, const std::vector< PathShop > &pathshops) | Vessel | |
export_loglike_prop_met(std::ofstream &loglike_prop_met, int tstep, int nbpops) | Vessel | |
find_next_point_on_the_graph(std::vector< Node * > &nodes) | Vessel | |
find_next_point_on_the_graph_unlocked(std::vector< Node * > &nodes) | Vessel | protected |
get_annual_depreciation_rate() const | Vessel | |
get_annual_discount_rate() const | Vessel | |
get_annual_insurance_costs_per_crew() const | Vessel | |
get_annual_other_income() const | Vessel | |
get_av_trip_duration() const | Vessel | |
get_BER() const | Vessel | |
get_carrycapacity() const | Vessel | |
get_catch_pop_at_szgroup() const | Vessel | |
get_consotogetthere() const | Vessel | |
get_course() const | Vessel | |
get_CRBER() const | Vessel | |
get_crewshare_and_unpaid_labour_costs_percent() const | Vessel | |
get_cumcatch_fgrounds() const | Vessel | |
get_cumcatch_fgrounds_per_pop() const | Vessel | |
get_cumcatches() const | Vessel | |
get_cumdiscard_fgrounds() const | Vessel | |
get_cumdiscard_fgrounds_per_pop() const | Vessel | |
get_cumdiscards() const | Vessel | |
get_cumeffort_fgrounds() const | Vessel | |
get_cumfuelcons() const | Vessel | |
get_cumsteaming() const | Vessel | |
get_discards_pop_at_szgroup() const | Vessel | |
get_distprevpos() const | Vessel | |
get_effort_multiplier() const | Vessel | |
get_experienced_avoided_stks_bycatch_prop_on_fgrounds() const | Vessel | |
get_experienced_bycatch_prop_on_fgrounds() const | Vessel | |
get_experiencedcpue_fgrounds() const | Vessel | |
get_experiencedcpue_fgrounds_per_pop() const | Vessel | |
get_fgrounds() const | Vessel | |
get_fgrounds_in_closed_areas() | Vessel | |
get_fgrounds_init() const | Vessel | |
get_firm_id() const | Vessel | |
get_fishing_credits() const | Vessel | |
get_freq_experiencedcpue_fgrounds() const | Vessel | |
get_freq_experiencedcpue_fgrounds_per_pop() const | Vessel | |
get_freq_fgrounds() const | Vessel | |
get_freq_fgrounds_init() const | Vessel | |
get_freq_harbours() const | Vessel | |
get_freq_possible_metiers() const | Vessel | |
get_fuelcons() const | Vessel | |
get_GrossProfit() const | Vessel | |
get_gscale_cpue_nodes_species() const | Vessel | |
get_gshape_cpue_nodes_species() const | Vessel | |
get_GVA() const | Vessel | |
get_GVAPerFTE() const | Vessel | |
get_GVAPerRevenue() const | Vessel | |
get_harbours() const | Vessel | |
get_highpotentialcatch() const | Vessel | |
get_idx() const | Vessel | |
get_idx_used_metiers_this_trip() | Vessel | |
get_inactive() const | Vessel | |
get_individual_tac(int sp) const | Vessel | |
get_individual_tac_per_pop_at_year_start(int sp) const | Vessel | |
get_inharbour() const | Vessel | |
get_is_choked() const | Vessel | |
get_is_vessel_exited() const | Vessel | |
get_KW() const | Vessel | |
get_LabourSurplus() const | Vessel | |
get_landing_costs_percent() const | Vessel | |
get_length() const | Vessel | |
get_length_class() const | Vessel | |
get_loc() const | Vessel | |
get_lowesttariff() const | Vessel | |
get_map_of_nodes() const | Vessel | |
get_metier() const | Vessel | |
get_min_prop_remaining_global_quotas() | Vessel | |
get_min_prop_remaining_global_quotas_on_avoided_stks() | Vessel | |
get_min_prop_remaining_individual_quotas() | Vessel | |
get_min_prop_remaining_individual_quotas_on_avoided_stks() | Vessel | |
get_mosthistoricallyused() const | Vessel | |
get_mult_fuelcons_when_fishing() const | Vessel | |
get_mult_fuelcons_when_inactive() const | Vessel | |
get_mult_fuelcons_when_returning() const | Vessel | |
get_mult_fuelcons_when_steaming() const | Vessel | |
get_name() const | Vessel | |
get_natio() const | Vessel | |
get_nationality() const | Vessel | |
get_nbfpingspertrip() const | Vessel | |
get_NetPresentValue() const | Vessel | |
get_NetProfit() const | Vessel | |
get_NetProfitMargin() const | Vessel | |
get_notthatfar() const | Vessel | |
get_numTrips() const | Vessel | |
get_opportunity_interest_rate() const | Vessel | |
get_other_annual_fixed_costs() const | Vessel | |
get_other_variable_costs_per_unit_effort() const | Vessel | |
get_percent_tac_per_pop() const | Vessel | |
get_ping_catch_pop_at_szgroup() const | Vessel | |
get_possible_metiers() const | Vessel | |
get_previous_harbour_idx() const | Vessel | |
get_prop_remaining_global_quotas(int sp) const | Vessel | |
get_prop_remaining_individual_quotas(int sp) const | Vessel | |
get_reason_to_go_back() const | Vessel | |
get_resttime_par1() const | Vessel | |
get_resttime_par2() const | Vessel | |
get_roadmap() const | Vessel | |
get_RoFTA() const | Vessel | |
get_smartcatch() const | Vessel | |
get_speed() const | Vessel | |
get_standard_annual_full_time_employement_hours() const | Vessel | |
get_standard_labour_hour_opportunity_costs() const | Vessel | |
get_state() const | Vessel | |
get_subsurfacesweptareathistrip() const | Vessel | |
get_sweptareathistrip() const | Vessel | |
get_tankcapacity() const | Vessel | |
get_targeting_non_tac_pop_only() const | Vessel | |
get_this_vessel_nb_crew() const | Vessel | |
get_timeatsea() const | Vessel | |
get_timeforrest() const | Vessel | |
get_traveled_dist_this_trip() const | Vessel | |
get_tstep_dep() const | Vessel | |
get_vessel_betas_per_pop() const | Vessel | |
get_vessel_value() const | Vessel | |
get_vid_is_active() const | Vessel | |
get_vid_is_part_of_ref_fleet() const | Vessel | |
get_x() const | Vessel | |
get_y() const | Vessel | |
getAvgTripProfit() const | Vessel | inline |
getAvgTripRevenues() const | Vessel | inline |
getDaysSpentInRestrictedAreaThisMonth(int idx_met) | Vessel | |
getLastTripExplicitRevenues() const | Vessel | inline |
getLastTripProfit() const | Vessel | inline |
getLastTripRevenues() const | Vessel | inline |
getNumTrips() const | Vessel | inline |
getWeekEndEndDay() const | Vessel | inline |
getWeekEndStartDay() const | Vessel | inline |
getWorkDayEndHour() const | Vessel | inline |
getWorkDayStartHour() const | Vessel | inline |
init() | Vessel | protected |
init_cpue_nodes_species(int nbnodes, int nbspecies) | Vessel | |
init_gscale_cpue_nodes_species(int nbnodes, int nbspecies) | Vessel | |
init_gshape_cpue_nodes_species(int nbnodes, int nbspecies) | Vessel | |
LengthClass enum name | Vessel | |
lock() | Vessel | inline |
move_to(double nx, double ny) | Vessel | |
move_to(Node *next_node) | Vessel | |
mStateEvaluators | Vessel | static |
nationalityFromName(const std::string &name) | Vessel | static |
NumLenghClasses enum value | Vessel | |
Over40 enum value | Vessel | |
read_message() const | Vessel | |
receive_message(int message) | Vessel | |
reinit_after_a_trip() | Vessel | |
reinitDaysSpentInRestrictedAreaThisMonthtoZero() | Vessel | |
reset_message() | Vessel | |
set_av_trip_duration(double val) | Vessel | |
set_consotogetthere(double _consotogetthere) | Vessel | |
set_course(double val) | Vessel | |
set_cpue_nodes_species(int sp, const std::vector< double > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_cumcatch_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_cumcatch_fgrounds_per_pop(const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_cumcatches(double _cumcatches) | Vessel | |
set_cumdiscard_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_cumdiscard_fgrounds_per_pop(const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_cumdiscards(double _cumdiscards) | Vessel | |
set_cumeffort_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_cumfuelcons(double _cumfuelcons) | Vessel | |
set_cumsteaming(double _cumsteaming) | Vessel | |
set_distprevpos(double _distprevpos) | Vessel | |
set_effort_multiplier(double multi) | Vessel | |
set_experienced_avoided_stks_bycatch_prop_on_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_experienced_bycatch_prop_on_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_experiencedcpue_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_experiencedcpue_fgrounds_per_pop(const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_fgrounds(int val) | Vessel | |
set_fgrounds_in_closed_areas(const vector< types::NodeId > &_fgrounds) | Vessel | |
set_fgrounds_init(int val) | Vessel | |
set_firm_id(int val) | Vessel | |
set_fishing_credits(const std::vector< double > &_fishing_credits) | Vessel | |
set_freq_experiencedcpue_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_freq_experiencedcpue_fgrounds_per_pop(const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_fuelcons(double val) | Vessel | |
set_gscale_cpue_nodes_species(int sp, const std::vector< double > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_gshape_cpue_nodes_species(int sp, const std::vector< double > &newval) | Vessel | |
set_harbours(int val) | Vessel | |
set_highpotentialcatch(types::NodeId highpotentialcatch) | Vessel | |
set_inactive(bool logic) | Vessel | |
set_individual_tac_this_pop(std::ofstream &export_individual_tacs, int tstep, std::vector< Population * > &populations, std::vector< int > implicit_pops, int pop, int init, double a_tac) | Vessel | |
set_inharbour(bool logic) | Vessel | |
set_is_choked(int pop, int val) | Vessel | |
set_lowesttariff(types::NodeId lowesttariff) | Vessel | |
set_map_of_nodes(const vector< Node * > &_map_of_nodes) | Vessel | |
set_metier(Metier *new_metier) | Vessel | |
set_mosthistoricallyused(types::NodeId mosthistoricallyused) | Vessel | |
set_natio(bool logic) | Vessel | |
set_nbfpingspertrip(int _nbfpingspertrip) | Vessel | |
set_next_xy(double nx, double ny) | Vessel | |
set_notthatfar(types::NodeId notthatfar) | Vessel | |
set_previous_harbour_idx(types::NodeId previous_harbour_idx) | Vessel | |
set_reason_to_go_back(int _reason_to_go_back) | Vessel | |
set_resttime_par1(double val) | Vessel | |
set_resttime_par2(double val) | Vessel | |
set_roadmap(const std::list< types::NodeId > &_roadmap) | Vessel | |
set_smartcatch(types::NodeId smartcatch) | Vessel | |
set_spe_betas_per_pop(const std::vector< double > &_betas_per_pop) | Vessel | |
set_spe_cumcatch_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &_cumcatch) | Vessel | |
set_spe_cumdiscard_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &_cumdiscard) | Vessel | |
set_spe_cumeffort_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &_cumeffort) | Vessel | |
set_spe_experienced_avoided_stks_bycatch_prop_on_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &_experienced_avoided_stks_bycatch_prop_on_fgrounds) | Vessel | |
set_spe_experienced_bycatch_prop_on_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &_experienced_bycatch_prop_on_fgrounds) | Vessel | |
set_spe_experiencedcpue_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &_experiencedcpue) | Vessel | |
set_spe_fgrounds(const vector< types::NodeId > &_fgrounds) | Vessel | |
set_spe_fgrounds_init(const vector< types::NodeId > &_fgrounds_init) | Vessel | |
set_spe_freq_fground(int index, double _fground) | Vessel | |
set_spe_freq_fgrounds(const std::vector< double > &_fgrounds) | Vessel | |
set_spe_freq_fgrounds_init(const std::vector< double > &_fgrounds_init) | Vessel | |
set_spe_freq_harbours(const std::vector< double > &_harbours) | Vessel | |
set_spe_freq_possible_metiers(const std::multimap< types::NodeId, double > &_freq_possible_metiers) | Vessel | |
set_spe_harbours(const std::vector< types::NodeId > &_harbours) | Vessel | |
set_spe_percent_tac_per_pop(const std::vector< double > &_tacs_per_pop) | Vessel | |
set_spe_possible_metiers(const std::multimap< types::NodeId, int > &_possible_metiers) | Vessel | |
set_speed(double val) | Vessel | |
set_state(int _state) | Vessel | |
set_subsurfacesweptareathistrip(double _subsurfacesweptareathistrip) | Vessel | |
set_sweptareathistrip(double _sweptareathistrip) | Vessel | |
set_targeting_non_tac_pop_only(int targeting_non_tac_pop_only) | Vessel | |
set_timeatsea(double _timeatsea) | Vessel | |
set_timeforrest(double _timeforrest) | Vessel | |
set_traveled_dist_this_trip(double _traveled_dist_this_trip) | Vessel | |
set_tstep_dep(int _tstep) | Vessel | |
set_vessel_exited(int logic) | Vessel | |
set_vessel_value(double val) | Vessel | |
set_vid_is_active(int val) | Vessel | |
set_vid_is_part_of_ref_fleet(int val) | Vessel | |
set_xy(double _x, double _y) | Vessel | |
should_i_change_ground(std::map< std::string, int > &external_states, bool use_the_tree) | Vessel | |
should_i_choose_this_ground(int tstep, int use_static_paths, std::vector< Node * > &nodes, const std::vector< types::NodeId > &relevant_nodes, const std::vector< PathShop > &pathshops, const DynAllocOptions &dyn_alloc_sce) | Vessel | |
should_i_choose_this_port(std::map< std::string, int > &external_states, bool use_the_tree) | Vessel | |
should_i_go_fishing(int tstep, std::vector< Population * > &populations, bool use_the_tree, const DynAllocOptions &dyn_alloc_sce, std::vector< int > &implicit_pops, int is_individual_vessel_quotas, int check_all_stocks_before_going_fishing) | Vessel | |
should_i_stop_fishing(const std::map< std::string, int > &external_states, bool use_the_tree, int tstep, const DynAllocOptions &dyn_alloc_sce, int use_static_paths, const std::vector< PathShop > &pathshops, adjacency_map_t &adjacency_map, const vector< types::NodeId > &relevant_nodes, std::vector< Node * > &nodes, std::vector< Metier * > &metiers, std::ofstream &freq_cpue, std::ofstream &freq_distance, std::vector< double > &dist_to_ports) | Vessel | |
traverseDtree(int tstep, dtree::DecisionTree *tree) | Vessel | |
Under15 enum value | Vessel | |
unlock() | Vessel | inline |
updateCalendar(const VesselCalendar &c) | Vessel | inline |
updateTripsStatistics(const std::vector< Population * > &populations, std::vector< int > &implicit_pops, int tstep, const DynAllocOptions &dyn_alloc_sce) | Vessel | |
Vessel(std::string name, Node *a_location) | Vessel | |
Vessel(Node *a_location, int idx_vessel, std::string name) | Vessel | |
Vessel(Node *a_location, int idx_vessel, std::string name, int nbpops, int nbszgroups, const vector< types::NodeId > &harbours, const std::vector< types::NodeId > &fgrounds, const std::vector< types::NodeId > &fgrounds_init, const std::vector< double > &freq_harbours, const std::vector< double > &freq_fgrounds, const std::vector< double > &freq_fgrounds_init, const std::vector< double > &vessel_betas_per_pop, const std::vector< double > &percent_tac_per_pop, const multimap< types::NodeId, int > &possible_metiers, const multimap< types::NodeId, double > &freq_possible_metiers, int vid_is_active, int vid_is_part_of_ref_fleet, double speed, double fuelcons, double length, double KW, double carrycapacity, double tankcapacity, double nbfpingspertrip, double resttime_par1, double resttime_par2, double av_trip_duration, double mult_fuelcons_when_steaming, double mult_fuelcons_when_fishing, double mult_fuelcons_when_returning, double mult_fuelcons_when_inactive, int _firm_id, VesselCalendar cd, double this_vessel_nb_crew, double annual_other_income, double landing_costs_percent, double crewshare_and_unpaid_labour_costs_percent, double other_variable_costs_per_unit_effort, double annual_insurance_costs_per_crew, double standard_labour_hour_opportunity_costs, double standard_annual_full_time_employement_hours, double other_annual_fixed_costs, double vessel_value, double annual_depreciation_rate, double opportunity_interest_rate, double annual_discount_rate) | Vessel | |
Vessel() | Vessel | |
which_metier_should_i_go_for(std::vector< Metier * > &metiers) | Vessel | |
~Vessel() | Vessel |