A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
HistoricalDataCollector< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for HistoricalDataCollector< T >, including all inherited members.

atEnd(typename Container::const_iterator it) constHistoricalDataCollector< T >inline
clear()HistoricalDataCollector< T >inline
Container typedefHistoricalDataCollector< T >
getFirst() constHistoricalDataCollector< T >inline
getUniqueValuesCount() constHistoricalDataCollector< T >inline
getValue(int tstep) constHistoricalDataCollector< T >inline
HistoricalDataCollector()HistoricalDataCollector< T >inline
insertValue(int tstep, const Value &data)HistoricalDataCollector< T >inline
mDataHistoricalDataCollector< T >protected
Value typedefHistoricalDataCollector< T >