A spatial model of fisheries to help sustainable fishing and maritime spatial planning
Calendar Member List

This is the complete list of members for Calendar, including all inherited members.

build(std::shared_ptr< SQLiteOutputStorage > db)Calendarstatic
dayToString(int day)Calendarinlinestatic
getMonth(int tstep) constCalendarinline
getQuarter(int tstep) constCalendarinline
getSemester(int tstep) constCalendarinline
getYear(int tstep) constCalendarinline
isMonth(int tstep) constCalendarinline
isQuarted(int tstep) constCalendarinline
isSemester(int tstep) constCalendarinline
isYear(int tstep) constCalendarinline
load(QString basepath, QString name)Calendarstatic